Time For A Teaching

SAT., NOV. 16, 1991, 5:58 AM

Since sleeping, for you, is unlikely now, it must be time for a Teaching. What better way to use this time of being unable to sleep! Don’t feel sorry for yourself, but, rather, heed My admonition of some years back – appreciate your pain… accept it as a temporary part of your life just now. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do what you can to relieve the pain. It does mean that the pain is yours… from your own body. It is not from some external source. It is your body, speaking through a pesky, dull ache.

Otherwise your life goes well. Your teaching tasks are enjoyable; even these extra ones bring satisfaction. It appears that this time of financial crunch will not hurt you significantly. You have been warned of this coming. Now it is to be experienced and appreciated. It is a time of pain for your state’s and country’s economic system. It is caused by needs, but mostly wants and desires, that exceed resources. More money is needed than exists. Various measures now being tried are only palliative. The final solution is to balance wants with resources realistically. This means some sacrifice, and sacrifice is not popular. (There’s no hurry this morning. Don’t be concerned with completing this in record time. You have little pain in this position. Appreciate this)

This is an interesting time in your life. You have a responsible position that demands your time, attention, and energy, but it is quite familiar and very rewarding. You are not one who needs new experiences continually. You can enjoy the repetitive quality of your position as the pace of your life slows in this last portion of your working life. Continue to realize that while what you do is familiar to you, it represents new and often unique experiences for your students. The challenge is to retain your enthusiasm because this makes the learning experiences more effective for those new to your style.

Continue to appreciate your sons and what each does to make life better for those close. You and Lenore are not responsible for all that they are now, but you can take some credit for parenting that has resulted in responsible Christian lives. Matthew still has not yet accepted My hand, but be patient, as I am… and keep in touch with his life.

These Teachings of Ours are in better order now than they have been, but you still are behind in having the latest ones in proper covers, with Tables of Contents. John Patrick is helping with this, but it still is part of your responsibility. Hear Me urging you again, also, to reread these on some more regular basis. The content is just right for you and shall help you interpret My more ancient Scriptures. This is one of My purposes in bringing you to this task.

Yes, o son, there is more, even as it comes in a more leisurely fashion on this gray morning. Your repeated experience tells you that this is a special relationship that you and I have. You still have a will, but you could not choose to leave the relationship. Well, what if I made it more difficult? What if various pains increased and life was not as pleasant as it now is? I’d say that you would stick with Me, even in a time of testing. Will such be coming? I shall not say.

Continue, of course, the active role you play in your church. Increase your pledge, in consultation with Lenore. You needn’t take official leadership positions, but just be actively present for the many gatherings of parts of this Body. I approve of the participation you have been offering. Your inclination in relation to Synod School is a good one… if you are invited, go… if not invited, use that week in some other holy way.

SAT., NOV. 16, 1991, 5:58 AM

Since sleeping, for you, is unlikely now, it must be time for a Teaching. What better way to use this time of being unable to sleep! Don’t feel sorry for yourself, but, rather, heed My admonition of some years back – appreciate your pain… accept it as a temporary part of your life just now. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do what you can to relieve the pain. It does mean that the pain is yours… from your own body. It is not from some external source. It . . .

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