Time For Assessment

SAT., SEPT. 18, 1999, 6:15 AM

Prudence barks… roosters crow… and your nose begins to fill up. It must be time to get up and have a Teaching, on a cool, early Fall morning. You were confident I would get you up, and you were right. So… time for an assessment… of life as you’re living it.

In relation to weather it seems to be a time of extremes. This should be another beautiful day, here in the heartland… one of a succession of fine days, and the lawns and pastures dry up from lack of rain. It is dry, dry… and in other parts of the country there are incredible floods. You need rain. They have too much. The balance is off.

How about this life of yours, that I share with you? You have waited for rain to come before you restore it to good order, but the chaotic mess is now excessive. It must be time to restore neatness, even before rain eventually comes… as it will. But you did do a good job of consolidating (a nostalgic word?!) your mailing list for Our Ruminations. That was long overdue… but, of course, some will continue to move. Such is life in this culture. But it was a job that needed to be done, and you’ve almost completed it. Good!

Last evening you heard the mighty Shryock organ. The music was not all to your liking, but it is a pleasure to gather in that place for music, of many kinds. You enjoyed the experience, and you should have.

The rhythm (remember that word?!) of your life is generally good. Continue to make adjustments, but take time for contemplation, while you also keep your body active. It, your body, doesn’t respond as quickly and readily to physical “challenges,” but this is an “area” of life in which you should persist. You agree with this assessment. It just is not as easy as in “younger years.”

Continue to re-read My Teachings to you. These are not just to be heard and written down and then neatly? Organized. These are your “Scriptures,” quite comparable, for you, to those “official”.” When you do this you enjoy and profit from the experience. Now I also suggest that you re-read the Ruminations We have crafted over the years. This is a contribution you’re making, even as few appreciate it, as such. Just remember that this is your major writing task for as long as you are able. You’re not doing it “for credit,” but just as a joint venture, with Me. It is valued… by a few… and that’s sufficient.

The other re-reading you’re doing is sporadic, but the selections are worthy ones. You realize that your memory is failing (and you hope you don’t live on to “Mabel’s stage”), so there is less reason to read new material. Focus, rather, on sources that you have read… and marked. Give minimal time to the daily news. Enjoy your addiction to crossword puzzles.

Continue to seek the best balance between “pushing yourself” and relaxing in this twilight of your life. Twilight is a fine time of day… and of an earth life. The analogy holds up pretty well – twilight signals the coming end of one day, but you can expect a dawn to come, in time, to commence another day… or life.

You still need to make yourself accomplish, as you did yesterday with the mailing list. While “accomplishment” is still usually rewarding it takes increasing effort. So be aware of the need for the best balanced rhythm in this time of your life.

SAT., SEPT. 18, 1999, 6:15 AM

Prudence barks… roosters crow… and your nose begins to fill up. It must be time to get up and have a Teaching, on a cool, early Fall morning. You were confident I would get you up, and you were right. So… time for an assessment… of life as you’re living it.

In relation to weather it seems to be a time of extremes. This should be another beautiful day, here in the heartland… one of a succession of fine days, and the lawns and pastures dry up from lack of . . .

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