Time For Being

SUN., JUNE 9, 1991, 5:04 AM

Yes, o son, it is important to use time in the earth for worthwhile tasks. You still have many choices, and I still urge you to be active in a variety of ways. The concept of time requires you to choose, for in any day, week, month, or year when your attention goes to certain tasks others are left undone. You have been aware of this throughout your life. My emphasis this early morning is on using time for just being.

You may smile at such an idea, for I seem always to be urging you to tasks beyond those you choose. Yes, I admit that My challenges could employ every waking hour of your life. Don’t require Me to be consistent, for remember that I am outside of time and space, and therefore I see the artificiality of time… along with the need for it.

My theme today is that there must be time for just being… for just appreciating the fact that you are, both in time and beyond. There are times when it is possible to be both doing and being, and you shall have one of those opportunities today. You shall drive for some number of hours, probably without incident to distract you. This can be time devoted to being. You often waste such time with fantasies that are not worthwhile. Use the day, today, to consider who you are, in this time of life, and what this means for your ongoing being.

You knew you wouldn’t have time for a Teaching this morning, but here you are, awake and writing. This is partly discipline on your part, and mostly initiative on Mine. As I have told you, you are now symbolically outside of time. The “time” for a visit with Me is not time in which you could be doing something else, no matter how it seems. When you plan to come for a Teaching you calculate time, but I want you to realize, difficult though it may be, that you could have these every day… or as often as I would call you, and it would be “at the expense”… of nothing.

When you just “are” you are not in time. Just accept that as truth. You can calculate the time for your trip today, but much of it can and should be apart from time. Enjoy this process.

Now, just as I “work” both in and outside of time, so you can be accomplishing some task and, at the same time, just be. Driving some distance is one example. Mowing the yard is another such opportunity… planting, fertilizing, clipping… any task that requires little thought and decision-making. Even driving in to the campus is time that could be used just for being.

This doesn’t mean that you won’t think… or fantasize. It does mean that you will have no focus on action, but, rather, one as broad in scope as you are able. Let Me help. It will not be easy… and yet it will be.

Consider life and death, what is real and what just appears to be. Consider what true living is, accomplishing without desire and attachment, dedicating what you do to Me. One reality is that you have accomplished much in this life through your own initiative and energy. A deeper reality is that you have found ways to serve Me… and, with your hand in Mine, We have accomplished in worthwhile ways. Know that no matter what you do you cannot leave Me. I am with you in whatever you are doing. You have a certain amount of free will, but you cannot choose to leave Me. Not everyone has such an opportunity/burden. But it is your personal state of being, in this life as Bob Russell.

SUN., JUNE 9, 1991, 5:04 AM

Yes, o son, it is important to use time in the earth for worthwhile tasks. You still have many choices, and I still urge you to be active in a variety of ways. The concept of time requires you to choose, for in any day, week, month, or year when your attention goes to certain tasks others are left undone. You have been aware of this throughout your life. My emphasis this early morning is on using time for just being.

You may smile at such an idea, for I seem . . .

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