Time For Reflection

WED., JAN. 16, 1991, 12:58 PM

Though your time here is not yet up your heart and spirit are turning toward home. You shall have enjoyed your time here, but you shall be glad to be heading home, even as you return to the cold of winter. Even as you still have some time and some experiences to have you need to focus more on reflections. What has all of this meant to you… as a Christian, an American, and a health education professional? You are not surprised when I assure you that I shall help with such considerations.

Even as this pad and this pen mean only one thing to you… a Teaching from the Holy Spirit of the Lord God… you still have flickerings of wonder as to whether you are just sitting down to write your own words, in a ritualistic way. It is always possible. The human mind can devise strange interpretations for your actions. Do not be surprised if you still have some doubts. But then also do not be astounded when I affirm that… no… I am with you… you are not fabricating this experience. Every now and again you need such a reaffirmation.

You wanted to come here, but know that I also wanted you to be in this country, having this experience. You knew you could not appreciate it fully without more capacity to understand and to speak the language, Espanol, and that has been affirmed. You have been fortunate in having enough translators, and in being ready to accept the spiritual feeling for any situation, without the meaning for the language. This has given real meaning to situations that you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to appreciate.

You consider whether Lenore would have enjoyed the trip. You know she would have liked several of the people (perhaps more than you have), but the pace and the hours may have been somewhat excessive. You shall have to see what happened at home in your absence to assess whether it would have been well for you both to have been away. You shall have much to tell her and show her, and then you can determine better whether you should have pushed for her to come.

It is possible that you might return, particularly if it be in a less expensive format. Yet you shall not be sad to see the group disassemble. You are not a revolutionary in the sense that many of them are, and you are not as critical of the country that is yours as many of them are. In fact you return with a better appreciation of your country and its systems, even as some are rather indefensible. War has not begun yet. I have helped with the process. You can never know whether or not I was the critical factor. You shall write a Ruminations on this experience and shall send it out to… as many as you think might appreciate it. That, probably, will be your last contact with most of these folks.

You see this as a poor country, striving to be both as modern as possible and as fair as possible in providing all people with basic needs. That has been a difficult balance, and you see that it is, actually, quite impossible. I have created and I sustain variety, and variety is not equal in any but a mystical sense. This culture takes an approach that limits freedoms of certain kinds in order to have equality. Yours opts for more freedom to develop skills and abilities and rewards initiative more, which means that some will benefit quite minimally. You know you are fortunate to be a citizen of your land. I have no objection to your feeling thus.

Except, that this must motivate you to share your wealth voluntarily, giving to those in your land so that they might develop their potentials. Reassess the causes to which you give… and then be generous. Your country can justify its wealth only if those who have it are willing to share it rater lavishly.

Consider parts of your own land that you do not know well as places to visit and learn about. Take individual trips such as this only occasionally, for you and Lenore are a blessed couple, and it is not good that you be apart for this time often. I know that you feel the same.

WED., JAN. 16, 1991, 12:58 PM

Though your time here is not yet up your heart and spirit are turning toward home. You shall have enjoyed your time here, but you shall be glad to be heading home, even as you return to the cold of winter. Even as you still have some time and some experiences to have you need to focus more on reflections. What has all of this meant to you… as a Christian, an American, and a health education professional? You are not surprised when I assure you that I shall help . . .

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