Time For Ruminations

MON., MAR. 10, 1997, 6:19 AM

Sunrise seems to be late today… delayed a bit from the announced arrival. With this being the week of Spring break I’ll remind you of several reasons why it should be written and sent… so that it is not late. The gleam of the sun is now evident. It may be late, but ol’ Sol is now with you.

As I suggested last month it seems to be time for another reminder – to you and to Our readers – that I, the Holy Spirit, do enjoy My role in earth life, and I have fun interacting with humans. And I speak for God and for the Christ also. As the Triune God I… We… enjoy this earth and oversee it with a fine sense of humor.

I’ll also remind you of the importance of both/and thinking. Earth life is not all serious nor is it all comic. It is a marvelous combination of both extremes, with a balance that can tip either way at different times and in different situations. Once again, consider how funny it is that it is so evident that the sun has risen and clearly “climbs” into the morning sky. From your perspective you can’t feel the earth turning. It seems so solid. It has to be the sun that moves, upward and gradually toward the north.

In somewhat like fashion it seems, on the basis of Holy Scripture, that I am always serious, angry, or disturbed. Oh, I am loving and concerned, but you have a hard time discovering that creation was, and still is, fun and that I smile and laugh much more than I frown and grimace.

I created the earth and its “contents” so that it can be studied scientifically. There are clues that the earth is much older than the Bible suggests, and, hence, there is controversy. Must it be one or the other? I say that both are true, and that I deliberately arranged the conflict in ways of thinking, just for fun.

If I truly wanted this earth scene to be different I certainly could have created it differently and guided it in a more “obedient path”. I am not an inept Creator, nor have I lost control of what I have created. I even “created” the idea of satan and lucifer as creatures with whom I must do battle. And I mostly seem to be losing. Is that any way for a Holy Creator to “end up”?

Hot about the “Church Year”? In each and every year there is the Advent season, culminating in the remembrance of My birth, as Jesus. Wonder of wonders… God has come to earth as a Jewish baby, born of an unwed, teenage mother. There are shepherds, and there are wisemen, and there are angels, all who are adoring of Me as a babe. And then there is a king who wants Me dead because I am such a threat.

Back to the “Church Year”. Less than two months after this celebration of My birth you put ashes on your foreheads and start anticipating My death. The Lenten time is one of serious remembrance and sacrifice. You should sacrifice… because I did. Palm Sunday is triumphant. The Last Supper on Thursday establishes Holy Communion, the serious sacrament of eating My body and drinking My blood (in small portions, of course).

There is a betrayal, but I keep telling the disciples that I must die. I finally have to commit Myself, the “witnesses” being so inept. I am crucified. I die. I am buried. But… Ta Dah!… in about 40 hours I’m back, resurrected… a victory over death. Then, in your Church Year there are seven months or so… winter, spring, summer, and fall… and then it’s Advent, and you can anticipate My birth again.

MON., MAR. 10, 1997, 6:19 AM

Sunrise seems to be late today… delayed a bit from the announced arrival. With this being the week of Spring break I’ll remind you of several reasons why it should be written and sent… so that it is not late. The gleam of the sun is now evident. It may be late, but ol’ Sol is now with you.

As I suggested last month it seems to be time for another reminder – to you and to Our readers – that I, the Holy Spirit, do enjoy My role in earth life . . .

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