Time For School

FRI., JULY 20, 1990, 6:30 AM

One more day, and you shall be off to another experience in Synod School. You look forward to another exciting week, but you can use some advice and admonitions from Me, the Holy Spirit. I shall be with you, of course, and I shall expect you for a Teaching each day, at some time. I have no objection to your coming at different times, if you want to try lunch. However just remember that this daily “walk” with Me is an integral part of your Synod School week.

You do not have the responsibility of a class this year. This is both disappointing and freeing. You love the teaching task, but it would have been burdensome to prepare, this summer, and it takes more energy to teach than just to be part of a class. I want you to see it as a freeing choice, participating fully in your two classes, but without continuing choices to make.

If you are selected for the talent show do your story with vigor and a sense of fun. If you are not selected accept this with an open spirit and enjoy the show and those chosen to perform. And yet be aware of opportunities to volunteer for some service. I want you to be active, showing forth this spirit that I am helping to grow and develop. Don’t try to be a “star.” Just be an everready participant and volunteer.

Naturally I want you to be active in the early morning Bible study… or whatever Al has organized for this year. You should wake up naturally, but you’d better take the alarm, just in case. In this, whatever the format, continue to be both humble and assertive. Do not dominate, but also do not miss opportunities to share insights that I give you. You will have a few more chances to tell of Our relationship, but, no, you needn’t seek these. Just know that I shall send some, directly or indirectly.

If you are going to eat those ample meals you will have to build in an exercise program. If volleyball is possible, do that, of course. Otherwise, you know the campus area well by now, so set walks for both exercise and contemplation. Remember that the dance is a form of vigorous exercise also.

The chair experience has been a good one for you. You enjoy the singing, but you do have to go to the rehearsals, for you’re not musical enough to enjoy the singing without rehearsals. This also puts you in daily contact with My servant Beverly, a true joyous spirit. You have felt the attraction to her spirit, and being in it’s “range” is good for your spiritual health. If it is appropriate to tell her this, do so. If not, just glory in these times of music.

Speaking of music, be willing to do some songs and stories at the Hub Coffee House, late night. You are not completely comfortable in situations like this, but some do appreciate the small talent that you have, so be willing. Be wary of the extra calories, however. And do try to use it as a time of becoming more acquainted with some persons. And, still, remember that you do have to sleep some. You know you have some tricky balancing to do.

You may be a part of the vesper service, instituted last year. This may be an opportunity for you to share spirit with some other worship seekers. Take along some Teachings, just in case. You see, I call on you to be as vibrant at night as in the early morning. Can you meet this challenge, for the week ahead?

You do not feel sure that this is a School you will continue attending, after this year. It has been a sparkling spiritual experience for you, but you are aware of “a time for…” and “a time for…” You recognize that you are abandoning Lenore for this week, since the School is not appealing to her. Go for this experience fully, but also be assessing whether you should return or whether some time with Lenore would be more important.

FRI., JULY 20, 1990, 6:30 AM

One more day, and you shall be off to another experience in Synod School. You look forward to another exciting week, but you can use some advice and admonitions from Me, the Holy Spirit. I shall be with you, of course, and I shall expect you for a Teaching each day, at some time. I have no objection to your coming at different times, if you want to try lunch. However just remember that this daily “walk” with Me is an integral part of your Synod School week.

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