Time For Us

MON., JUNE 16, 1997, 8:05 AM

The date is written above, and it tells you that this is the last full day you’ll be here. You have done most of what you intended, the reunions with this family and with this special Punahou class being primary. You have had some struggles, in your mind and spirit, about how to allot your time, and it won’t be easier when you return to your home place. The title above should do more than suggest that you need to give time and attention, in these remaining days, to Our Ruminations, this that We do together.

The theme, of course, is Human/Spiritual Interacting, and you had lots of that yesterday, both actual and vicarious. The morning worship service was in that familiar sanctuary, in which you first sat 49 years ago. It was a good service, but not outstanding, in remembrance. Yet it led (and was I somehow responsible?) to a presentation by one you have heard about, one who has dealt (more) with death, as a part of life, more than you have. You have some important quotes from him, and you recognize that he and I are much alike in assessing death. I’ll encourage you to take those notes, now transcribed into a more legible version, and work them into a “mini-presentation, courtesy of Aoki” that you can offer to these last classes… an important arena for spiritual interacting.

Then came the picnic, and you were pleased to be included as you were. You had some fine individual conversations, and you were easily included in many more. The “spiritual group” that Mike suggested didn’t materialize; the atmosphere just didn’t seem right. Yet you were prepared, and you were willing, even as you didn’t take any initiative. I’ll just comment that these Teachings are, and shall continue to be, a primo means of encouraging the best kind of human/spiritual interacting. Keep on considering the student group that I, and others, have suggested.

Interaction with your Dad is difficult, but he does appreciate any attention you give him. Don’t expect much overt response, but just try… and try again. He has not been a close part of your life for many years, but accept that his being your father is an important relationship. He doesn’t have much left, in these interactions, while you have, still, almost too many. You can be further assured that death, for him, will be a blessing, something to celebrate.

His presence here does “save you” from being the oldest in this family gathering. You have no desire to reach his age and condition of living… and you won’t UNLESS such an experience would be of value in your journey toward spiritual enlightenment. Spending more time with Me is the best preventive of an earthly “last chapter” such as his. This is a good example of a blessing in one chapter of life losing its blessed qualities in another. It can also apply to medical care: prolonging life can be a blessing in early years, but this “good” usually diminishes as the aging process continues.

So, I say again: giving Me more of your time and attention as these retirement years come along is the best means of making the transition from this earth life to the realm of spirit that shall be best for you next. Reject the thought, engendered by your culture and your professional life, that you don’t have time for Me… for Us. For while you are hearing and writing in this way… and also while re-reading earlier Teachings We, Holy Spirit, Jesus the Christ, and God Almighty, become part of you… and hence the Us is really a foursome. This is hard to acknowledge, but hear Me say it is True.

The next task is to go through and mark the best sections from the Teachings We’ve selected and that you’ve copied. This will give you some sense of how this Letter will be organized. You can write a page or two in introduction, but you don’t have the scissors and cement necessary for the actual accomplishment of this number of volume 17.

MON., JUNE 16, 1997, 8:05 AM

The date is written above, and it tells you that this is the last full day you’ll be here. You have done most of what you intended, the reunions with this family and with this special Punahou class being primary. You have had some struggles, in your mind and spirit, about how to allot your time, and it won’t be easier when you return to your home place. The title above should do more than suggest that you need to give time and attention, in these remaining . . .

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