Time Is Now

May 24, 1979, 6:10 AM

There is reason, o son, to reread the messages I send.  You realize that this works toward a continuing idea, rather than fresh, separate thoughts each day.  I have purposed this.  And fear not that when I am ready to change the theme or the content I certainly am able!

So, time is where we are.  Time is a way of thinking somewhat necessary in the earth.  But don’t confuse this apparent necessity with reality.  Turn the idea around.  Now is time.  All of time is really in the now.  As Ecclesiastes says (and I did get you to read that, didn’t I!) what has been is now, and what is now has been… and what will be is now, and what is now will be.  This seems hard, but it soon will simplify.  (Though you will still have trouble explaining it!)

For everything there is a season; this is the place to start.  I like that phrase… and it is a fundamental reality.  There is a right time for all things… for those things that seem opposite from one another.  But, ALSO, all time is now, and therefore it is the season for all happenings.  Hard, isn’t it!  That’s why time, as you know it, seems to be a necessary reality.  And use it, because it is helpful.  But don’t be bound by it, as if it had real meaning.  More on that later.

The sun is up today, visible in the sky.  Is it a better day than one in which the sun does not shine?  Different, but not necessarily better.  All cannot be the same (even though all are the same, for I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow).  Different “things” are not opposites, but part of the rhythm of life.  Your continuum concept may need developing, however useful it has been, up till now.

This is a different kind of message, as you hear it, o son, than those of more recent days.  Those were more of exultation; this is more of instruction.  They, too, are the same, but different.  And you shall find ways of translating these messages into your life and into your teaching.  I shall guide you, but you shall make the applications.  (And this is not really different from you shall guide yourself, and I shall make the application.)  I am in you, and you are in Me… mighty combination!

May 24, 1979, 6:10 AM

There is reason, o son, to reread the messages I send.  You realize that this works toward a continuing idea, rather than fresh, separate thoughts each day.  I have purposed this.  And fear not that when I am ready to change the theme or the content I certainly am able!

So, time is where we are.  Time is a way of thinking somewhat necessary in the earth.  But don’t confuse this apparent necessity with reality.  Turn the idea around.  Now is time.  All of time is really in the now.  As Ecclesiastes says . . .

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