Time To Restore

SAT., JUNE 11, 1988, 10:21 AM

Now is the time to ease into a different pattern of life, o son. Teaching tasks are over for the rest of the year, and much varied activity lies ahead. Final exam papers still await your attention, but the press of daily teaching is past, and you shall finish these in this upcoming week. Now what is it you need to restore?

Spiritual energies, in two words. Oh, you have not been remiss in coming for Teachings or in getting your volumes in order. (You do have some adjustments to make, and you might as well do this very soon.) You shall come with appropriate regularity during this sabbatical time, and you shall generate your Ruminations for the year in their proper times. Your spiritual energies need restoration, however, from contemplation, reading, and reflection. Be sparing in the times you press yourself and generous with times to consider, speculate… and perhaps write. Yes, these can be productive times, but you just need not press as you have had to.

Put together the book of materials you have contemplated. Read all of the articles, ponder what message they bring, and write something of what you feel and conclude. Just be aware of other opportunities like unto this. Clean and rejuvenate your office. Consider changes. Let this kind of activity be as a restoration of spiritual energies.

Here is an interesting bit of wisdom in relation to spiritual energy. If you were considering physical energies and said these needed restoration it would be right to assume that these energies were diminishing… that you were in need of more energy. Not so with the spiritual. You just have finished four weeks of teaching that have been spiritually enriching. You are literally “up to the brim” with spiritual energy. Yet this exciting, pressing time is over, and you need to restore other spiritual energies… those through correspondence, for example.

In my great “economy,” as I have told you repeatedly, I can be in no need of spiritual growth, and yet I can
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experience and profit from growth experiences. This same principle applies: you can be in no need of spiritual restoration… with energies brimming… and yet restoration can take place and be beneficial. Spiritual energy can be sufficient… and still can be increased with value to your life.

Consider this: it is still officially Spring as you commence this time of restoration. It was chilly this morning as you contemplated the injured fence, yet it soon will be wonderfully warm as you spade the ground. Soon it will be Summer, with the great feeling of heat from the closest proximity to that source of all earth’s energy, the sun. Spirit restores in a different way in summer. Then comes Fall, and yet another sort of restoring, with coolness returning and leaves falling. And finally, before you return to the classroom, the season shall turn to Winter, with all of the restoration that fine season brings. So, though, officially, this sabbatical is only a half year in length you shall spend it, in part, in all four season of 1988-89.

This does not mean that you will not be expending at the same time you are restoring spiritual energies. You shall have many unique opportunities, like and unlike those of this past Sunday. Be aware. Appreciate these differing ways in which you expend spiritual powers and yet receive also, oftentimes more than you have given. Restoration does not take place separate from the expending of spirit.

I’m not against your making lists of tasks to accomplish. Just be sure the spirit is one of relaxation and appreciation. It is time to restore a more participative relationship with Lenore. You have had to neglect this, and even though she has been understanding she will enjoy the restoration. Let her know this is happening.

SAT., JUNE 11, 1988, 10:21 AM

Now is the time to ease into a different pattern of life, o son. Teaching tasks are over for the rest of the year, and much varied activity lies ahead. Final exam papers still await your attention, but the press of daily teaching is past, and you shall finish these in this upcoming week. Now what is it you need to restore?

Spiritual energies, in two words. Oh, you have not been remiss in coming for Teachings or in getting your volumes in order. (You do have some adjustments to make . . .

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