Time, Yet Again

FRI., MAY 15, 1992, 6:29 AM

Time is a big factor in your life, a cause both for certainty and for wonder. You are still in a culture that is very time conscious., but you are becoming less so. Your work and your daily life have some deadlines and some important appointments, but not to the extent that some professionals experience. You have not had a watch lately, and though this has been troublesome at times, these have been minimal.

To review: time is both linear and circular. You are in an earth life that is linear. You were born in 1926, and that year is past and will never be again. You have lived in each year since then, and each year succeeds the one before… and then becomes the year past. You will have, eventually, a year of death, and that will give your earth life a certain exact length… so many years, months, days, even hours. This is linear time.

The rest of time is circular. This is May. Each year at this time there is a May, and each has 31 days. Each day has 24 hours, but generally these are expressed in units of 12 – the 12 hours before noon and the 12 after. Whatever hour and minute it is now will be repeated twice a day, every day. Each hour has minutes and seconds, and these are repetitive. You can talk about the number of hours, minutes, weeks, months, or years as an accumulation, making what is circular also linear.

Of what importance is this? Not of ultimate importance, really, for other realms of being are timeless. You can calculate, for example, how long it has been since Peter died, but he has moved on to a timeless realm where this question… how long?… is simply not relevant… not answerable.

You try to imagine what a timeless realm would be like, and it is difficult to impossible. Even if you had no clocks or calendars you would be aware of the sun and the light of day, followed by the dusk, the dark, and then the dawn. In this place you would be aware of temperatures and vegetation that tell you of the progress of time, even as this is ultimately circular.

It is important for most Christians in your culture to believe that I, as Jesus, was born in the year 0, lived to be 12 years old when I went to the temple, began My ministry at age 30, and was crucified and died at age 33. Accordingly, this happened 1900 and some years ago, all of which could be calculated with some accuracy. Yet the other truth is that I always have been, am now, and will be forever. That incarnated earth life was one little venture into linear time, but it does not define and circumscribe My life and actions.

Too much reliance on Scripture as the only truth is finally based in a reliance on linear time. Biblical time is when I was and when I spoke. This makes the record tangible, much more so than later revelations of and by Me, which don’t fit into that Scriptural time frame.

You now are studying quite a bizarre revelation that, if it occurred and were recorded now (as many such are), it would get little attention, except some scoffing. But being part of Holy Scripture it can be studied, with seriousness, because, though its context is timeless, it can be placed into a definite time slot.

Christians generally believe, then, that their lives are fundamentally linear. Each comes into being at biological conception, is born at a time on a date, lives so many years, and then dies. Life continues, but for no purpose except to be in bliss or in torment.

FRI., MAY 15, 1992, 6:29 AM

Time is a big factor in your life, a cause both for certainty and for wonder. You are still in a culture that is very time conscious., but you are becoming less so. Your work and your daily life have some deadlines and some important appointments, but not to the extent that some professionals experience. You have not had a watch lately, and though this has been troublesome at times, these have been minimal.

To review: time is both linear and circular. You are in an earth life that is linear . . .

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