Times Of Transition

SAT., MAY 15, 1993, 7:05 AM

The graduation ceremony last evening was a time of transition for many young people a few of whom you know. Therefore this is such a time for you now, a time away from regular semester teaching to the time of summer. This is still a time of work, but it shall come in more short, concentrated forms, with time for other things, as well.

It is a time of transition away from fires in the fireplace and warm electric blankets… toward the time when the windows are open and the air is warm to downright hot. The trees are in full green now, and the various itches you experience in summer also are arriving. It is a seasonal time of transition.

One more set of exams, and then the grading process concludes, but this should have only a few problems. Yes, some times of transition have grading as a feature. You received notice of an evaluation of yourself that shall come up soon, and concerning this you have mixed feelings. Since this is a conscious time of transition from full professional activity toward retirement from teaching and all that goes with it, you are comfortable with less “production” and more concentration on your teaching. And yet when you can show little in the way of papers published, presentations made, and even conventions attended, you still have feelings of sadness that these “productive years” are fading.

You can see the both/and nature of transitions. The seasons are circular. After the Spring shall come the Summer, but then there will be the transition toward Fall… and next year it all shall be repeated again. But your professional life is linear (or so it seems). It began. It progressed through 3 institutions, and will end, in a few more years. It is not likely to simply begin again… but that does bring us to the Great Transition and the examination that is a part of it.

You certainly must know by now, with all of the Teachings I have offered you, that life… true Life… is continuous, everlasting, eternal. A partial analogy: you were born and were a small child… then a larger child… an adolescent… a college student and Navy man… and then you became a teacher. You progressed from the school to the prestige university, and then to the university more suited to your abilities, and you have accomplished much in this career. Yet when it is over there still will be life, and you can do “other things.” You shall be freer in some ways and more limited in others.

Some day your body will die, and the truth shall be verified that life does continue, that you shall have more freedom… and also less. The review of your life shall not be as sudden an experience as it is for many. These Teachings have given you more than a headstart in seeing this earth life as an interesting linear process in what sometimes is circular. When you leave this life you shall be “back” into a realm that shall be even more familiar than this one. You shall see all of your life as Bob Russell, as Dr. Russell, as Elder Russell, Father and Grand-father, Husband and Relative… and Friend. But then you shall see all of this in relation to all that has been “before” (remember, we’re now outside of time), and then some possibilities for the “future.”

SAT., MAY 15, 1993, 7:05 AM

The graduation ceremony last evening was a time of transition for many young people a few of whom you know. Therefore this is such a time for you now, a time away from regular semester teaching to the time of summer. This is still a time of work, but it shall come in more short, concentrated forms, with time for other things, as well.

It is a time of transition away from fires in the fireplace and warm electric blankets… toward the time when the windows are open and the air . . .

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