‘Tis The Season…

SUN., DEC. 13, 1992, 6:26 AM

‘Tis the season to be jolly, says the familiar Christmas carol, indicating a time of fun and good humor. I see nothing wrong with this. Let it be a season of parties, such as you joined in last evening. Let it include the Hanging of the Green as you’ll experience this morning, with lots of good cheer, smiles, even laughter. Oh, I realize that parties that commence in a jolly way may degenerate into drunkenness and misconduct, but even that can result, finally, in some spiritual good. So, go to parties to which you’re invited, be jovial, even jolly, for this should be such a season.

‘Tis the season to remember… Importantly, of course, you should remember the reason for this time of celebration. As Jesus, I, Almighty God, came into the earth as a baby, “a poor maid’s child, born in an oxen stall.” This shall be portrayed in, o, so many ways today and through the next week or so. It is a scene and a birth well remembered, but that makes it easy to disregard. As the children present their version of this story this morning be attentive, give it your attention, and remember all that happened… and be not dismayed about the chronology. I know that’s mildly upsetting to your sense of time and the reality thereof, but just see it as a gentle challenge. The wisemen followed the star and came to the manger on the stable, symbolizing that I came for the wise and powerful as well as for the poor, working people. I am an influence in all walks of life, so remember, as a professor, that your heritage is in both the magi and the peasant shepherds. Remember the story, for it is part of your spiritual heritage.

‘Tis the season to be together as family, though that will be only a partial reality this annum. Remember the gathering of the small family of which you were a part, as a child. Picture each of those who came to your house, for it was a day always celebrated there. Recall that time of the largest gathering of your present family, when Christmas was preceded by Peter’s memorial service and Michael and Wendy’s wedding. It was a time when this old house was full… and it shall not be so again, at this season. Enjoy the fact that some of your family is close. Embrace the church family and even the university family. Yet it also is good to mourn the fact that this cannot be a season when your whole family can gather together.

‘Tis the season to be thankful. Combine it, in your mind and spirit, with Thanksgiving before and New Years following. It is a season to consider the year past with thanks for many blessings. You are financially secure, and you have enough to give generously to needy causes. The year ahead looks promising to you, so you must close this one with many thanks, and look ahead with the brightness that Christmas lights give forth. Lament not what you don’t have. Enjoy what it is yours to have. This is a season to be reflectively thankful and optimistic about the future. Everything that happens to you is, in some way, a test of spirit. ‘Tis the season for remembering this… but, then, so is every season. You may finish this after the day’s activities. ( 7:18 AM / 5:23 PM )

SUN., DEC. 13, 1992, 6:26 AM

‘Tis the season to be jolly, says the familiar Christmas carol, indicating a time of fun and good humor. I see nothing wrong with this. Let it be a season of parties, such as you joined in last evening. Let it include the Hanging of the Green as you’ll experience this morning, with lots of good cheer, smiles, even laughter. Oh, I realize that parties that commence in a jolly way may degenerate into drunkenness and misconduct, but even that can result, finally, in some spiritual good. So, go to . . .

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