
FRI., OCT. 1, 1993, 7:03 AM

Living the life you do, in this place, at this time, among these people, you have… even deserve… certain titles. Some arise from who you are… others from what you do. You review these from time to time. Hear Me, o son, as I offer My assessment.

Let’s start with the title of Christian. Your upbringing included Sunday School, with your parents active in the church and most of the family friends likewise. You never denied the church or the Bible, even as being a Christian was not an identity you announced. But you were born again in your 30’s, with an increasingly clearer view of relationship with Me, the Triune God, even as I had you remain a Presbyterian, a rational, not very emotional “sect.”

Out of that springs another title – Mystic. I came to you in this writing meditation, and we developed a good liturgy. From this comes Teachings (as you are writing now), and you now have volumes of what you have heard Me say to you… on topics and themes galore. Presbyterian laymen don’t have such experiences, so, for comfort, you remain essentially a “closet mystic.” Nevertheless, this is one of your titles, bestowed rather than earned.

You are a Husband, which means that you have a life partner, someone with whom you share daily and ongoing life. I was an active force in your choice of her, and her choice of you. You are not a perfect pair, objectively, but you complement each other in ways pleasing to Me. You are husband to a fine woman, and you don’t always play this role as well as you should.

Father was a title that came with the first son, with responsibilities multiplying as more sons joined the family. You are proud of these sons, for each is a responsible citizen and “good man,” even as the manifestations of these are different. You weren’t the father you hoped to be, but that’s so for several aspects of your life.

Because these sons emulated you, in marriage and family, you also have the title of Grandfather. As you assess the earth and its population you have feelings that 11 grandchildren may be excessive, but each one seems to be moving toward a responsible, good life. Do what you can to help in their development, particularly the spiritual.

Another title is Doctor. You did well in school, even as you had no great love of learning. But that developed, and you graduated from the university… and went right on for your Masters. Then, for reasons not all well-remembered, you completed a doctoral program at a prime university, making possible the progress I have wanted for you. You now have had this title longer than you did not have it, and it has been an important means to this desired end.

For you also have the title of professor, progressing through the academic ranks in an acceptable fashion. This means that you have ideas and concepts to profess… beyond those you have learned from others in your field. The chief “profession,” from My perspective, is that health, your chosen field (and the one I chose for you), should be seen holistically, with both the spiritual and the environmental as vital dimensions.

Teacher is another title, one you have had in previous earth lives, and a set of roles that you perform with real enjoyment. You still plan your class sessions, but you also approach each more like an artist than just a purveyor of knowledge. You have some years yet ahead, and these should be good ones as you add to your positive karma… as one who encourages learning.

You are a Landowner and Land-Lover. A good balance to your life is this Farm and what its land, trees, fields, and buildings represent. You are part of a tiny percentage of your fellow humans who have such a place to live, developing a better appreciation of nature and My part in it.

Lastly, on this day, at least, I sound the title of Writer. You have written some good books, though none made you famous. Our Ruminations now is your chief task, and this present one is quite acceptable. I still chide you about letter writing to individuals, but I’m not big on guilt, so I just push, without punishment.

You are a man of many titles, but the best is one bestowed by and accepted from Me, the Holy Spirit – Son.

So it is
8:07 AM