To Go… Or Not To Go?

WED., SEPT. 20, 2000, 6:22 AM

… that is your question of the morning. And… it is important for you to have this Teaching so that you can know how I am advising you. At least I shall help you think about this and come to the best answer.

The invitation is “before you” – a few hours with some of those with whom you played football at UCLA, 50 some years ago. But this means buying a ticket (and how should you do this?), flying out there… It would be a disruption in your gentle life. Are such disruptions worthy?

You are experiencing a “disruption” this morning, for, generally, you would be preparing to go to your Bible study group. Not today, for you hope that the change of day is to Thursday, tomorrow. Well, you assume it is not today, so it must be…?

You still are reluctant to spend money, even as you now have more than ever before. This “reluctance” is the habit of a lifetime. You’ve managed rather well… and don’t feel that you’ve missed much, in not “overspending.” You know you can “afford” this trip, but you’re not yet comfortable with the thought of it. You should have called Skip last evening… why didn’t you?

You were an active, valued member of this group back in those football-playing days. It is almost certain that you would be welcomed back in their midst, should you decide “to go.” Most of those “on the list” live there in So. California. You are one who separated himself (and happily) from that busy scene, and you feel some reluctance to return. Why? No good reason. Mainly… the lethargy of just staying in a comfortable life “pattern.”

Those were “good days”… of playing football. You were fortunate that it was wartime and that you were in a Navy program that made it possible for you to play, as one “too small” for such competition, in those days. You were far from a star, but you were an accepted member of the team. You feel rather sure that you would be remembered…and welcomed into this “bunch”… but…

What do you have to do that would be more important than this reunion? Nothing, of course, but you would have to fly out there… would your parents, in spirit, approve of this use of their inheritance to you? You opine that they would. Your Dad did enjoy the games in which you played… and your Mother did also. They would want you to be part of this… you’re pretty sure of this.

After a professional life in which you traveled considerably… and happily, mostly… you feel, mostly “been there, done that.” You have a great place here… a comfortable life style. But if it is so good, why not “contrast it”, once again, with life in California, your original “home state”?

Would this be a “one-time appearance”, or would you want to return for future Lunches? You consider that either result could be “the one”… though your reluctance to travel is also a relevant factor. You do recall your “traveling years,” and you’re glad you had them. But… what about now?

Which is better – to try to “relive” earlier portions of your life… or to just accept that “you can’t go back again”? Or… is there some balance, as you are living these last years of quite a good life? Is this reunion potentially worth the disruption in this quiet, gentle life?

No, I’m not telling you what to do… to go or not to go? There are good reasons (and ones not so good) for either decision. You don’t desire a long, extensive trip. But you shy away from just 2 or 3 days there. Which makes it easier to go? or to put the packet aside and happily stay here?

WED., SEPT. 20, 2000, 6:22 AM

… that is your question of the morning. And… it is important for you to have this Teaching so that you can know how I am advising you. At least I shall help you think about this and come to the best answer.

The invitation is “before you” – a few hours with some of those with whom you played football at UCLA, 50 some years ago. But this means buying a ticket (and how should you do this?), flying out there… It would be a disruption in your gentle life. Are such . . .

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