Today’s News

MON., SEPT. 2, 1991, 6:08 AM

Today’s news… or the news of any day… is both evidence of My involvement in the daily life of the earth AND of My willingness to let the earth and the people therein function “naturally.” This means that occasionally I will intervene and save a life or lives, responding to a prayer as in stories told in the National Enquirer. It also means that I mostly do not intervene and change conditions, and therefore many prayers seem to go unanswered. Yet I am fully aware of all of the happenings in each day’s news, as well as the myriad happenings that are not reported.

This affirmation will be troublesome to some Christians, those who take literally My advice: ask and you shall receive. I do hear all prayers, including the petitions for help. Yes, I do hear every prayer and portion of a prayer that you offer for the healing of your leg. Yet it still remains mumu… partly dysfunctional. What I do not respond to is… “and please do it now.” I am outside of time, so that I am little concerned about whether your leg is healed today or three weeks from now… or three years. Also I see benefits in periods of pain and dysfunction, even of death itself.

But mostly I foresee the many consequences of an intervention, and while it may benefit an individual or a family it usually has other, less savory results. So, while I am not the God Who has created and then retires to let the earth function as it does… completely… I also am not powerless to act when I feel compassion in some particular situation.

Thus, today’s news is about Me, for I have caused or allowed that which is being reported. I am involved in earth life. I do see you limping, and I do feel your desire to run again. I do hear your prayers, and I’d like to hear them in a bit more balanced wording… more in keeping with your understanding of My ways. People shall be injured today. People shall be killed. Also many potential accidents will not happen, and many lives will be prolonged because I am in the earth.

As you read today’s news read it with spirit and with a consideration of the involvement of spirit in what you read. There is spirit in the desire of republics to be independent, to be uninvolved with a larger union. There also is spirit in trying to maintain a union of republics. In your country’s Civil War there was spirit in those who would secede and also in those who fought to preserve the union. The latter prevailed, and you are now a reasonably United States, but it was not so just after that war. There are consequences from “freedom,” and sometimes I see it preferable to have desires for “freedom” left unfulfilled.

Today’s news should include a celebration for workers in all categories. Labor is part of earth life, even as machines and electronic devices of many kinds made human work different… or unnecessary. You worked yesterday with a student who has done a thoughtful thesis. Your response to it was a labor, but it brought forth some greater understanding in you, which you shall try to pass on to your students this week. You did not plant as you should early in the summer, and hence there are few flowers, when these are needed. Some of what happens today is conditioned by what was or was not done some time ago… say I, speaking in an earth time frame.

MON., SEPT. 2, 1991, 6:08 AM

Today’s news… or the news of any day… is both evidence of My involvement in the daily life of the earth AND of My willingness to let the earth and the people therein function “naturally.” This means that occasionally I will intervene and save a life or lives, responding to a prayer as in stories told in the National Enquirer. It also means that I mostly do not intervene and change conditions, and therefore many prayers seem to go unanswered. Yet I am fully aware of all of the happenings . . .

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