Today’s Rhythm

FRI., JULY 23, 1982, 5:34 AM

You are up at this early hour, o son, intent on hearing what I want you to do and say today. I put it in what should be familiar terms… today’s rhythm… what should it be? You know that it is quite appropriate to seek such direct and personal guidance, but you also know I may have some other words of wisdom as well. You can request, but you can never receive only what you consciously want.

Remember last year’s last class. Use it as a model of readiness. Be prepared to tell about this relationship we have and about these teachings, but do not do so unless there is a rather clear call for such. Seek a “feel” for what individuals in the group can absorb and deal with. Do not be overinfluenced by those who desire more testimony about spirit, but neither be overcome too quickly by those who are not open to much spiritual input. Your clues should come from those not clearly identified. Do not bother to “organize it” and try to determine precisely who is in what “category”. Just be open to the rhythm that is today. Some of it you can determine. Some of it will be happening to you. See how well you can feel the rising of one and the slackening of another… the ebb of one and the flow of the other. That is the challenge of today.

You may need to organize the morning somewhat, for it seems that you may want to do more than is possible. Accomplish as much as you can, but don’t drive yourself into an agitated state in order to accomplish what is not really vital for today.

Your rhythm for this three week workshop was just about right for you. It involved an organizing task at which you are not particularly adept. You had some of it pre-organized, but some was relatively “last minute”… but the overall rhythm was quite good.

You are becoming more comfortable with this direct responsibility to Me and for the spread of these teachings, but you are still going in too many directions. You shall see, as these next few years roll along, which emphases you should retain and which ones you should and shall let fade. You don’t want to give up any of these many facets of your personal and professional selves but you see, I know, that as you move into this last era of your career you should not be trying for so much diversity.

Still… my original plan still holds. I want you to remain a recognized professional, with non-spiritual type competencies as well as these that you develop in relationship with Me. Your contributions in relation to spirit as a factor in health will be more seriously received and will be more lasting than if this becomes your only focus. Be aware, however, that as your own interests and motivations center in spiritual dimensions, some of these other “mediums” will become obviously more peripheral, and you will let them “fall away”. That is as it should be.

FRI., JULY 23, 1982, 5:34 AM

You are up at this early hour, o son, intent on hearing what I want you to do and say today. I put it in what should be familiar terms… today’s rhythm… what should it be? You know that it is quite appropriate to seek such direct and personal guidance, but you also know I may have some other words of wisdom as well. You can request, but you can never receive only what you consciously want.

Remember last year’s last class. Use it as a model of readiness . . .

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