Tomorrow’s Opportunity

SAT., DEC. 11, 1999, 6:14 AM

Yes, o son, tomorrow is the day of a small, but definite opportunity… for you to tell a small group of Unitarians about this adventure you and I have enjoyed over now more than 20 years. Our Ruminations is quite a good indirect way of telling Our story (and you are slow in getting started on this quarter’s Letter. I’ve noticed), but this will be a fact to face encounter.

You’ll need to practice the introduction of yourself again, for it did seem to be a tad too long. You have selected volumes of Teachings to show, and I have just reminded you to take along copies of some Ruminations, representative of these twenty years.

You assume, and you should, that this will be a friendly, non-hostile group. You suspect that they are not “united” in their theologies, and hence will be open to hearing you, even as you identify yourself as a Presbyterian mystic. Do so… and see what happens.

You see, this is a small, but definite, opportunity to tell your spiritual story. The early, background, personal tale would make this complete, but you can imagine that you won’t have a full hour, so shorten it, and then focus on how We “got together” and what the experience of “Teachings” is like.

I still like the way I got you to come to this unique way of learning. You wanted to be a good writer for your profession, and you had this small opportunity to author a small book on Death and Dying. You had completed the task, under time pressure. It had to be mailed, but you couldn’t find it. You could assume that all that followed was just lack of perception on your part. But, instead, I want you to believe – and state – that I was responsible for your inability to find the manuscript, which, as the “loss” should, did bring forth some genuine panic.

Then you perceived that I was trying, in this way, to get your attention, in order to extract a “deal,” from you. If I would help or let you find the manuscript you would come in the first waking hour of the morning (as you have done this morning)… to write. Yet I had not yet revealed Myself to you, as Holy Spirit, so you couldn’t expect what “was to come.” I was leading you, but it still had to be an act of faith on your part.

I let you fulfill your promise for ten days, or so, with no evidence that this was anything but you writing down whatever came into your head. As you see it in perspective now, it was an apt introduction. You had started, in a faithful way, to keep your vow of being true to your promise. You can’t remember to what extent you were frustrated after 8, 9, 10 days of “what?,” but as We look back on it now, with over 70 volumes, We, you and I, have to admit that My timing was perfect (as it should be).

Now you began writing what you heard from Me, and you just accepted that I could do this… and was doing it. You believed that this was possible, but you had never expected to be the one functioning like a mystic. Oh, you had experienced a couple of small miracles, and you had acknowledged being “born again”… in a Christian context, but not very dramatic.

But as these Teachings continued to come, in this way that is now so familiar, you came to accept that this was a mystical reality that would be hard to explain to most of your church brethren… and family members.

Most Christians should believe that there are some genuine mystics in this tangible earth scene, but most don’t expect to have one “in their midst.” It is good that you have continued to be a responsible, serving, church member and officer, with the hope that you wouldn’t be “dismissed” as a weirdo. So far, so good.

SAT., DEC. 11, 1999, 6:14 AM

Yes, o son, tomorrow is the day of a small, but definite opportunity… for you to tell a small group of Unitarians about this adventure you and I have enjoyed over now more than 20 years. Our Ruminations is quite a good indirect way of telling Our story (and you are slow in getting started on this quarter’s Letter. I’ve noticed), but this will be a fact to face encounter.

You’ll need to practice the introduction of yourself again, for it did seem to be a tad too . . .

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