Transformation Of Energy

THURS., MAY 26, 1988, 5:13 AM

As you talked about the continuation of life after physical death in your class yesterday I noted some “holes” which I may help you “fill.” You have had many Teachings relating to this theme, and you are getting better at talking about it, but you still have more to learn. Therefore I have more to teach.

You noted, in your presentation of the ecological perspective, that energy is transformed rather than lost. You could have added that the transformation of non-renewable energy produces heat or work and waste, while renewable energy material does the same, but then the waste contributes to renewal. As you burn wood for heat the waste is smoke and ashes. The smoke becomes part of the atmosphere, some of it being taken in by plants, and the ashes, theoretically, can be returned to the earth of the woods and can be utilized in the growth of new trees.

As I have told you, spiritual energy is like unto physical energy, except that it is not limited. In the physical realm no more energy can be created to enter the earth system… the solar system. In contrast I am capable of offering new spiritual energy, along with aiding in the transformation of that already present. As new souls are created, spirit is provided by Me. As spirit is exercised it increases, so that mature souls have both generated more spirit and have accepted more from Me. Now it is true that when a mature soul merges back into Me there is an infusion of spirit, but I have no need of this. It is a nice return, but spirit cannot be quantified and measured, so the analogy with the physical simply breaks down, finally.

The important idea is that the spirit that is within any human may be entirely from Me… “brand new”, so to speak. The new being has spirit, of My creation, that is its essence. In the living of a life that spirit may be “invested” and exercised, so that at death there is more spirit than was initially given. The individual also may receive more from Me… or may have minimal to no relationship with Me and take little or no fresh spirit from Me. Yes, some individuals do lose spirit in the course of a life, through motivations and behaviors that are selfish and harmful to others.

An “older” being commences an earth life with not only an infusion of spirit from Me, but with “accumulated” spirit developed from other “lives” in the earth or in other realms. Such a person typically begins “investing” and exercising early in life, developing more spirit. Such a person also draws from Me and from others around. And the major difference between spiritual energy and physical energy is that you can “draw” spirit from others without any loss for them… and you can “give” spirit to others with not only no loss to self, but you may gain in the process.

The class you have now is composed mostly of older spirits. A new spirit would have considerable trouble with the kinds of activities and the approach you use. This class is an experience in transformation of energy. Spirit has been building during these two weeks; as spirit is given and received all are benefitting. The only “losers” are those who will not or cannot fully participate.

Spiritual energy is transformed into acts of friendship, into helping and relating, into love for others. Instead of being lost in the transformation spirit tends to be enhanced and increased. It is a marvelous interchange with no need to “run down” as in the physical analogue.

THURS., MAY 26, 1988, 5:13 AM

As you talked about the continuation of life after physical death in your class yesterday I noted some “holes” which I may help you “fill.” You have had many Teachings relating to this theme, and you are getting better at talking about it, but you still have more to learn. Therefore I have more to teach.

You noted, in your presentation of the ecological perspective, that energy is transformed rather than lost. You could have added that the transformation of non-renewable energy produces heat or work and waste, while renewable . . .

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