
SAT., AUG. 17, 1991, 4:17 PM

Transition again, from one enjoyable, stimulating experience back to home – university and the life you enjoy so much there. You realize, of course, that one important reason why you are not more excited about conferences, conventions, schools, and even playshops away from your normal life is that this day-to-day life of yours is so satisfying. It is good for you to be away for some times, but not because you need to “get away” from dullness or unpleasantries.

This opportunity to pick up Nessa gives you a bit more leisure… and time to hear Me… so don’t think about what you could be doing if you were home. Enjoy the quiet respite, and then be ready for your return to your “best life” tomorrow. I approve of the idea of intending to go to some convention and then not going and devoting your time… the time you would be gone… to some worthwhile project or paper… the Dubos opus, for example. It’s a matter of priorities, of course.

Your time away from teaching will have vanished by Tuesday. You are ready… except for carrying out My call of yesterday to be sure each course has some injections of humor and fun. Be sure and state your philosophy of teaching/learning for each class. A class’ expectations are important, and these should be as accurate as possible.

The transition back to your normal teaching time is an appropriate one now. Your Fall teaching schedule is a familiar one, and you have no excess of extra responsibilities, at least yet. Heed My consistent call to ponder any requests carefully and do not commit yourself unless it is a true opportunity. Remember that you are in a longer transition also, so don’t burden yourself with matters that take time, energy, and attention, without real rewards.

Your teaching is of prime importance. This playshop should lead you to reevaluate your role as your church’s newsletter writer upward. It is a unique opportunity for service, particularly in emphasizing the sense of fun and joy that the Christian faith should bring forth. Order some more of the Fellowship’s materials, so that you shall not be dependent solely on each month’s Noiseletter.

Your sharing of insights from My Teachings to you and from Our Ruminations was hurried a bit unnecessarily. You realized the main fault: not looking at your audience enough, because you were hurrying and not wanting to lose your place. Positively, your selections were appropriate, and were appreciated more than you realized. That was another breakthrough. Consider doing a short letter that would include what you read that would be sent to all participants. You did have one such request.

There has been no real reaction to our Cuba Ruminations. You may still get some, and you will be disappointed if there is none. Whatever… it was a good Letter, and of it I approve.

Another Ruminations lies ahead, with less than 6 weeks, if you are to get “back on schedule.” You must get all of the most current Teachings put into order, with appropriate Tables of Contents. (Have you heard this call before?!) Then look through these three volumes carefully, and I shall lead you to the best theme for this yellow Fall issue. I won’t guide you to this theme until this other necessary task is done. It will take half a day… that’s all.

Again I’ll favorably comment on Lenore’s accompanying you to this meeting. You had a good time together, and I got to “show you off” as a fine Christian couple. You were very pleased with her comment about you, and this should be encouragement to continue to be joyous… and to spend good time with her.

SAT., AUG. 17, 1991, 4:17 PM

Transition again, from one enjoyable, stimulating experience back to home – university and the life you enjoy so much there. You realize, of course, that one important reason why you are not more excited about conferences, conventions, schools, and even playshops away from your normal life is that this day-to-day life of yours is so satisfying. It is good for you to be away for some times, but not because you need to “get away” from dullness or unpleasantries.

This opportunity to pick up Nessa gives you a . . .

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