Transition… To What?

WED., JUNE 24, 1998, 9:28 AM

I, Holy Spirit, have told you often, of late, that you should see yourself… for you are… in transition. For most of your career… say, since 1957… you have had an office, and since the Department moved here to Pulliam you have had a large space, with much window space. You are now in much smaller quarters, with quite a small window… but still more spacious than what Stanford provided. You are in transition, toward having no office space and having no responsibilities here… and being known by fewer and fewer students.

At this time this doesn’t seem to be an attractive “condition”, but only a couple of years ago this movement to Emeritus status didn’t seem desirable either. You know My advice: look back only for good memories… look forward with anticipation.

You are in transition out of the larger field of health education. Subject areas such as alcohol and addictions will be of interest only as they involve spirit and the spiritual aspect of humans. Environment is another area about which I am concerned and of which I speak, to you, frequently. So you are in transition toward having concerns only for those aspects of earth and spiritual life that are of interest to Me. You certainly can trust that I will let you know what these are and how I want you to perceive them.

The church of which you are an active part is in transition, for, while your senior pastor is returning soon, the church’s expectations and behaviors are unlikely to be just as they were a year ago. It also seems to be in transition to a larger and more modern physical plant, which also means a transition to a time of physical confusion and economic debt. Will you “stay the course” with this congregation? I won’t say, at this time.

I will say that you needn’t be in transition from your two responsibilities in the church. It will be important to continue your writing of the church Newsletter, as well as this “tour” as Clerk of Session. You may contribute in some ways to the Adult Forum program, but you need not take on any other tasks… other than those expressing and encouraging fellowship.

This is not a time of transition to any demanding civic or community committees or projects. You may be approached. Just know that this is not what I want you to be doing… and I know this doesn’t counter any of your motivations and desires.

It is a time of transition to more time, effort, and energy given to make your home place, your Farm, a more beautiful and more functional spot. Be more faithful in relation to times of planting. Consider what you must do to have chickens again, even a small flock. Set some rough “schedule” for clean-up and “restoration” efforts… and, yes, My first priority must be your study. The place where you and I are most often in direct contact just must be less messy and disorganized. When the Ruminations are “on their way”…

Yet your foremost transition is not to more busy activity, but to quiet contemplation. You have volumes of Teachings, which should be the primary impetus for this practice of melding mind and spirit. And there are other printed sources, as well as filmed sources. You don’t really know how to do this, but just trust that I will guide you. Your mind is still quite functional. Just don’t waste its powers on worldly issues of little consequence.

WED., JUNE 24, 1998, 9:28 AM

I, Holy Spirit, have told you often, of late, that you should see yourself… for you are… in transition. For most of your career… say, since 1957… you have had an office, and since the Department moved here to Pulliam you have had a large space, with much window space. You are now in much smaller quarters, with quite a small window… but still more spacious than what Stanford provided. You are in transition, toward having no office space and having no responsibilities here… and being known by fewer and fewer . . .

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