
December 8, 1979, 5:25 AM

I would talk to you today of transitions, o son (and, yes, warmth will be a focus, too.  You did hear correctly).  Transition is movement from one state to another, from one process to another… even from one essence to another.

Three years ago today Peter was in transition, and so were you and Lenore.  Marylin called and accurately reported the experience I gave to her… seeing and talking with Peter in his transition state and seeing him go off with David, Bob, and Thad.  That was part of Peter’s transition, but it was an important one for the family, so I let you know about it… something I don’t often do so clearly and directly.

It was a transition for you, for you cried for the first time. It was the substance of things believed in and hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.  It was something you believed – yea, knew was true as you experienced it.  Transition is a process, however, and usually not a sudden change.  Peter was present, with Me, on the hillside that Thursday afternoon and also in the church for the Memorial Service.  There were many things about life that were painful to him, and he was ready to come on with Me, but it was important for him, and he wanted, to experience those affirmations of the good of his life and of the value of continuing life for family and friends.

Yesterday you also experienced another event in your transition from the Farm to town.  There is still warmth of feeling for that place (and the grave site is a warm, wonderful place, particularly), but, still, the transition is real, o son.  It is a sacrifice, and yet it is also good for you.  The good life has its stages, and there needs to be transition one from the other.  (I had fun giving you that extraordinary day, I might add.)  The transition is not away from the Farm as a part of your life, but away from the Farm as your home, a major center of your being.  This is happening in good fashion.

The transition from one church to another is another “right” one.  Rarely, for you, is a transition from something clearly good to bad or clearly bad to good.  Rather, most are transitions from one good to another.  You are seeing and experiencing the fruits of service rendered with skill and spirit.  I am sorry about this conflict tomorrow.  To officially serve for the first time in leading Christmas carols would have been symbolically nice.  But you shall do it in some other, equally impressive, way.  You look forward to your first opportunity to lead in worship… and so do I.  The transition was more abrupt with the church, but that’s all right.  Do go see Faye, however.  Friendships remain, even through transitions.

Today is a day of transition for Larry.  It is well that you have remembered that conversation with him in the pasture three years ago.  His resolve was high then, but he hadn’t the resources to combat problems he wouldn’t admit he had.  He seems willing now and you were able to help get him to a place of transition.  I still expect him to be a fine servant of Mine.  This should be an effective way.  I am not as clear and positive as you might expect.  I allow Larry more freedom than I do you.  For him to serve Me it must be more an act of internal will than for you, so I’m not so certain as to what will happen.

This morning you deliberately made no provision for waking up, and you decided to breakfast, as well as shower.  If I wanted you here, writing, I would have to call you.  Well, there I was and here you are!  Know ye that I am perfectly willing to have you do what I desire.  You are still in transition toward accepting this in the warm, loving, expectant way I wish, but the progress is pleasing.  You are embarking on one of a life’s most exciting, satisfying journeys.  Almost nothing about the life of independence and free choice can compare with what lies ahead.  Hear ye!

Yes, life has its transitions – from life to life, from Farm to city, from church to church, and from teacher to My man who teaches.  And now to a writer of influence in youngster’s lives.  Hear My voice this day.


6:21 AM