
JUNE 20, 1979, 7:00 AM

Hear, o son, some words about travel. You have traveled, Matthew is traveling, and Lenore and Lou will travel. There are lessons to learn from such movement.

Travel takes certain people away from one another, and brings others together. This means that relationships are changed… and tested. Matthew is the one most amidst at this time. Recall the teaching on forgiveness, but know that he needs direction also. Do as I do. Focus not so on the negative, but give attention to the forces that shall give reward. Do not expect miracles. This is a part of his growth, and it shall be of value to him.

Keep in your heart and mind that this is a time of testing for you. It would have been simple… to have had July alone to accomplish needed work. Sorry. You shall have to do it with other resources. Travel shall bring you trial.

It is sad when a young person hears My voice but then turns away. Yet I understand. It is not your karma (surprised?) to have exemplary sons. Yet they shall all finally serve Me. Michael shall grow and be of most immediate help. Matthew shall have experiences that tear your heart, but be aware of the rhythm. Have him teach you some things. Be in mutual learning with him. Yes, do some simulations. Help him to see what life can be, given certain ways of traveling. But do NOT OVERDO any one approach. This shall be your challenge… a challenge to your versatility in encouraging learning and feeling.

Lenore shall be in a new place and shall grow and change also. You shall have to reestablish yourselves as travel brings you back together. Fear not over the relationship, but know that travel brings new and different insights.

Yes, you must act again by contributing to the church in this North Conway context. Become more aware, and look for the ways that you can contribute. Do not forget the experience as you leave this place.

JUNE 20, 1979, 7:00 AM

Hear, o son, some words about travel. You have traveled, Matthew is traveling, and Lenore and Lou will travel. There are lessons to learn from such movement.

Travel takes certain people away from one another, and brings others together. This means that relationships are changed… and tested. Matthew is the one most amidst at this time. Recall the teaching on forgiveness, but know that he needs direction also. Do as I do. Focus not so on the negative, but give attention to the forces that shall give reward. Do not expect miracles. This is . . .

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