
JUNE 10, 1981, 7:47 AM / 11:49 PM

You heard My call, o son, even in this time of traveling. There is time this morning to help get your priorities in order… for these can become skewed as you move from place to place. You must ever be ready for changes in plans, such as happened in the midst of this sentence. There was not the clear opportunity to finish this in the morning hour, but you knew it had to be accomplished this day. You have a good sense of commitment. Maintain it even as you travel.

You have learned much in these few days here. You have had chances to share from these teachings, some of which came naturally and some that you initiated. You are doing better with these opportunities. Never travel without some of these with you. That shall be one of the “musts” of traveling.

You spoke well and forcefully with Mabel and Anthony. You are gaining confidence from these meditations, and your competence in telling your story is growing proportionately, also. Lest you be concerned I shall affirm clearly once again: I, the Holy Spirit of the lord God, Who was and is in Jesus the Christ, do speak to you. I guide your hand and mind in meditative teachings that are written down and ordered for future use. I could be a false or evil spirit, but I am not. The teachings I give to you basically agree with the Scriptures and are a complement to them, not a substitute. They agree with Scripture about as well as Scripture agrees with Scripture. But as a result of this event in your travels do search the Scriptures and come up with some better answers for Scriptural agreement than you had this morning.

JUNE 10, 1981, 7:47 AM / 11:49 PM

You heard My call, o son, even in this time of traveling. There is time this morning to help get your priorities in order… for these can become skewed as you move from place to place. You must ever be ready for changes in plans, such as happened in the midst of this sentence. There was not the clear opportunity to finish this in the morning hour, but you knew it had to be accomplished this day. You have a good sense of commitment. Maintain it even as you . . .

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