Trouble In The Family

JAN. 30, 1981, 6:17 AM

Last night, o son, your fatherly role carried you to and through police stations, experiencing your youngest son’s unfortunate break with law and order. This obviously is a mundane, material matter, for there would have been no actual crime without some emphasis upon the importance of material possessions. Still it is also a spiritual matter, and this is about what I would have you hear this morning.

Negatively, there was in the spirit of these two young men a lack of feeling for the rights of others… for the values that might be symbolized by their possessions and the safety of their house. There was a spirit of inquisitiveness and of recklessness that was misplaced… wrong for the situation. In another, more positively directed, these qualities could be admired. Yet acted out yesterday they must bring retribution.

There was a spirit honoring truth evident in Matthew that was pleasing to Me… and that you recognized and applauded. You know that there is a tendency to complicate the breaking of one Commandment with the breaking of another. When a young person knows that the offense committed will bring dishonor and punishment there is a temptation to take the risk of lying to try to be absolved or unnoticed. It is wise, as Matthew did, to think ahead to further consequences… or even to what is now the right thing to do. That was a positive manifestation of spirit.

Your inclination to try to use this as a means to encourage some change of being in Matthew is commendable. All situations in life in the earth have that potential. Each one of you passes up or ill-uses many opportunities to commence a new direction, holding more strongly to positive values and divesting yourself of others. This is such an opportunity. Exert effort to help him realize values to which he can move.

It is a time, perhaps, to consider what he shall aspire to as an adult man. Life as a criminal has brushed him… and shall again as the proceedings unfold. It is time for him to consciously consider what alternatives are and what he must do to realize those he may desire. Performance in school is not important in itself. He has gained the importance competencies with which to learn. Yet becoming and being a more interested, diligent learner can symbolize a change in spirit… from the negative spirit of resistance and reluctance to the positive spirit of optimism and making the most of each opportunity.

He needs to consider a spirit of work as a fine for his misdeeds looms. A positive spirit is necessary to find a job and to maintain it. This is more important than the money received. Will Matthew’s spirit develop in this way? You can and should encourage it.

This is surely not a time to celebrate, but the action is past and the punishment lies ahead. It is an opportunity for growth and for change of direction. Encourage his spirit, for this is where the fundamental change must take place.

Larry’s trouble is also one of spirit. It truly is one of spirit past, present, and future. His spirit in the past has led him to some degradation and insufficient appreciation of his accomplishments. Now seems to be a time of reckoning. Will he slip back to destructive habits, feeling this is only appropriate given his lack of financial success? Will he reorganize his life to some extent and move out in some new, positive direction… for he has abilities and developed capacities? The future is shaped by the now. There is no karmic need for him to fail and fall. But his spirit cannot fully appreciate and cannot direct him and sustain him in the work that leads to the results. Encourage him. Share with him some of your spirit and insights.

That which I have taught you today could be characterized as the unrealistic spirit of Pollyanna. It could be. Yet I affirm that, truly, out of the mud gross the lotus. Life, in its entirety, in this realm and others, is a spiritual journey toward selflessness and enlightenment. Any trouble can be the uncommon means to new directions – away from selfishness and toward service, accomplishment, and appreciation of Me.

7:19 AM