Troubles? Check The Balance

SAT., APR. 3, 1999, 6:25 PM

It is the “day between”… the Friday which is a remembrance of My crucifixion, as Jesus, the death of My physical body… and Easter Sunday, the remembrance of My resurrection from this death. And between these two contrasting days in your Christian calendar is this Saturday… with its “contrasts.” Since I am an observer of… and a “partner” in… your life I have some comments on “the recent past.”

Yesterday you did see the front tire, left, of the truck looking “low.” Several infusions of air told you it would not last long. You headed for home, praying to Me for help. You made it, and you did thank Me… Hallelujah! You changed the flat tire, and this morning was told it could not be fixed. Downer. But there happened to be a used tire of the right size, and so the cost was… a high $35 or a reasonable $35?

Today was rainy, and you had more of Friday’s “chores” to complete. You “lost” your grocery list, and so your morning at the markets was incomplete. You were frustrated, but, also, amused at how simple things could go wrong. Back to town you came, in the intermittent rain… which was at quite a comfortable temperature, you must admit. You didn’t have your Kroger card, so the “bargains” you expected were not yours to enjoy. Two dumpsters offered you nothing for your bunnies (because you didn’t remember to bring the necessary “tools.”) The third gave you an easy “contribution”, which gave them a fine vegetable and fruit repost.

I was pleased that, while you were upset with the “troubles,” you also were smiling and laughing at the balances represented.

Yours is an easy, bountiful, pleasant, enjoyable life (and I could say more). You know, of course, that some balancing of all of this “good” is necessary and inevitable, here in the earth. Check out some of the recent balances. Your eyesight, with glasses, is now about normal for your age. The “bumps” have almost gone. You can make the necessary adaptations, for the near future, at least. Your hand gets no worse, and while it is troublesome to function with the loss you now have, you realize that except for a few acts and situations, your loss is not frightfully obvious.

You’re not sure about your prostrate, and some of the symptoms are troublesome, but, again, there is no pain, some basic functioning, and… another “sign” that you’re among the elderly.

What should you accept… and what should you “fight”? These are legitimate questions for one your age, but there are no pat answers. Accept certain limitations, and… extend yourself in some situations to show forth some residual of the strong, active young person you were. Changing that truck tire was… from a perspective of caution, not a wise action. But caution is far from My highest value. You attempted it. You accomplished it. You were proud, as was Lenore, of you.

One way of perceiving this Easter season is the recognition of My recklessness, as Jesus. (And I, Holy Spirit, was “with Him” all the way.) I truly didn’t have to be crucified. I had several kinds of “powers” that could have overcome the forces that pushed Me there. Part of the “joy” of that time was the knowledge that this didn’t “have to be.” I was not being “conquered.” I could have avoided the confrontation, but I knew, as God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, that the cross was My destiny.

But I also knew that bodily death was just an earthly event, and for Me it had no “sting,” no permanence. I am as alive today as I was on that Thursday night supper… and as I was on that first Easter morn.

SAT., APR. 3, 1999, 6:25 PM

It is the “day between”… the Friday which is a remembrance of My crucifixion, as Jesus, the death of My physical body… and Easter Sunday, the remembrance of My resurrection from this death. And between these two contrasting days in your Christian calendar is this Saturday… with its “contrasts.” Since I am an observer of… and a “partner” in… your life I have some comments on “the recent past.”

Yesterday you did see the front tire, left, of the truck looking “low.” Several infusions of air told you it would not . . .

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