Troubles For Friend Andy

TUES., MAR. 12, 1996, 5:52 AM

Since I can and do cause and prevent it is certainly appropriate to ask why I have allowed these happenings in the life of Our friend, Andy. I do want her to complete her Ph.D. program and eventually have a position like unto yours so she can continue to teach and write for the inclusion of spirit as a vital dimension of health. Yet these recent events have slowed her progress, troubled her spirit, and moved her away from Me. What do I say about such “treatment” of a chosen servant?

First, you are well aware that being a servant of Mine does not exempt you from all troubles. The Bible story is replete with incidents in which those true to Me had trials, tests, and tempests to weather. Uncomfortable and stretching as it has been Andy is, for this time period, functioning in that tradition. I’m sorry it has been difficult enough for her to stay away from Me, not communicate with you, and feel she must let the Network go. Yet she will recover and finally see all of this as a period of spiritual testing.

Though the experience with Jane and Susan was the first of the spirit-stretching events after your good visit with her she can now see the value in her participation… as well as the “nasty deal” Jane got at the end of her life. Andy has certainly asked, concerning Me as Creator, “Why schizophrenia?” It does seem like a major imperfection in this picture of human life, and if My goal had been perfection in the functioning of each and every human conceived then I certainly should be called an inept Creator. Remember how I have described the “process” to you. I devised and created the “system” of procreation, with myriad genes, chromosomes, DNA, RNA, and then hormones and enzymes and a complex nervous system. Then comes physical life itself, in an environment, both physical and social, that has some threats in it. This whole earth scene is as I want it for spiritual development, but not without perils in the other dimensions.

Positively, Andy had the experience of helping another human go through the dying process. Jane appreciated this, even if she couldn’t always express this in comfortable, acceptable ways. Susan was helped, too, since she was lacking in the spiritual strength to bear this alone. Because of her life of suffering Jane’s death was a blessing, but this doesn’t sound like much recompense. I just have to affirm that it is.

Then Andy was “hoodwinked” into taking responsibility for classes for which there was no preparation. Another test, I’ll have to say, that she’ll appreciate when she finally is in the teaching position I shall select for her. Why do I allow such discomforts? Because I can see all of the consequences for her life, and I see her spirit in a much larger context. If I tried to explain further, you couldn’t understand.

But what about the sexual harassment? Well, I can’t say I wasn’t aware that it would and did happen. And I can’t say that I couldn’t prevent it. So what’s left? I allowed it to happen… and this is the toughest part of being the Spirit of an omniscient, omnipotent God. Whatever I do and don’t do is Right, whatever the immediate, apparent consequences. I realize I “lose” some spirits, for a time, but I also see many who grow and develop out of such experiences. Andy is one who will, despite her present feelings and judgments.

TUES., MAR. 12, 1996, 5:52 AM

Since I can and do cause and prevent it is certainly appropriate to ask why I have allowed these happenings in the life of Our friend, Andy. I do want her to complete her Ph.D. program and eventually have a position like unto yours so she can continue to teach and write for the inclusion of spirit as a vital dimension of health. Yet these recent events have slowed her progress, troubled her spirit, and moved her away from Me. What do I say about such “treatment” of a chosen . . .

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