True Family

SAT., MAR. 5, 1988, 6:05 AM

This morning you shall have the opportunity of presenting in a unique fashion on a theme not usual to you. Yet you have been involved in family life for so many years that you have stories and songs that are sufficient. I don’t intend this Teaching to be troublesome or disruptive, but I do want to reemphasize what I consider true family. Hear, o son.

This is a physical plane, this earth in which you now live. I created the process for creation of bodies that function well, and I deemed it necessary to have a structure within which this would be best. Thus I “created” the family for the bearing and raising of children. People are thus related through genetic lineage and through the institution of marriage. Your wife is a close friend and spiritual partner, and others of this “traditional” family are truly those with whom you relate well. This is as it should be. It is sad when there are few in a family who interact happily and productively.

The true family, however, is a spiritual gathering. You needn’t all be on the same spiritual path, but these should be close or crossing. Fundamentally, the ingredient is love that generates directly from My love for you and for this earth, and the recognition that another is reflecting the same love, even on a different path. When you know that another loves Me and accepts My love and guidance, even if the form is different, this one is a potential “family member”.

You have many of these in actuality and many more in potential… more, unfortunately, than you can comfortably relate to. Your Ruminations is creating a family, one tied rather directly to Me, the Holy Spirit. As you affirm, with each letter, that it is I who provide these Teachings it becomes a persistent nudge toward the acceptance that I am truly an active force in this earth life. Your sharing with this family becomes a constant urge for some who read to “share back” or share on with yet others. The basis of this family is the eternal reality of spirit, manifested in individual souls. Combine this with physical and intellectual earth activity, and you have a powerful force.

You are fortunate that many of your bio-marriage family are those who love and relate to Me… though the variety of form is considerable. Your task and opportunity is to continue this path on which I lead you, attesting to the truths that I give to you. Some will shy away. Balance, ever so lovingly, this commission to be this evangel and the need to keep relationship with family members. Let My Spirit guide you when situations are difficult. I’ll repeat again My hoary admonition; if you knew the Holy Scriptures better you would be more effective with some in your family. You needn’t memorize verses. You just need to know the details of the story and its sub-stories better.

True family thus is created and sustained by My Spirit, acting directly and manifested in the spirits of others. Tonight you should see Laurette, one who is truly spiritual family. Your time together will be short. Talk of spiritual matters, not just academic. This needn’t be your only theme, but it is a fine one, that often is left out, with “small talk” prevailing. This direction holds for the convention next month as well. Be prepared to discuss spiritual matters with many of your true family that will be gathered there. Prepare yourself with questions and answers, to intersperse with spontaneous interchanges. Just don’t waste this as an opportunity, and you sometimes do.

Modify your presentation somewhat as you assimilate this message. You have too much already, but this message is one some of those here need to hear and ponder. Do it with a merry heart and with the faith and knowledge that I am with you.

SAT., MAR. 5, 1988, 6:05 AM

This morning you shall have the opportunity of presenting in a unique fashion on a theme not usual to you. Yet you have been involved in family life for so many years that you have stories and songs that are sufficient. I don’t intend this Teaching to be troublesome or disruptive, but I do want to reemphasize what I consider true family. Hear, o son.

This is a physical plane, this earth in which you now live. I created the process for creation of bodies that function well, and I . . .

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