
SEPT. 17, 1980, 3:30 PM

You must be interested in the definition and description of different aspects of the spiritual dimension to life and health. So hear now as I tell you some things about a fundamental spiritual behavior – trust.

Faith and trust are much alike. You have faith that I shall do something you want. You also trust in Me and assume, in that trust, that I shall do what is best for you. If there is a differentiation it is that faith is a broader, more inclusive concept, and trust is related a bit more to behavior. You have faith that I am Who I say I am and that I have power and capacity to influence your life and anything else I so choose. Faith is related also to hope, but is a stronger, more secure relationship. You may have faith that what you hope for shall occur… and, initially, as Paul wrote, it is the evidence of things not seen. Yet more mature faith is developed because of what is seen, heard, and otherwise experienced. Faith is that what has been experienced is real, and that the relationship established will surely continue.

Let’s look at trust as related more to what I do. Therefore you trust that I shall protect your briefcase and all of Our teachings left there in your car in Baltimore. You did not leave them there to test Me. It seemed to be a reasonable risk. Because of Our relationship you trust that I can and shall protect those items. You realize, however, that I also can be a tester, and that I desire that you be not overly attached to any possession. Therefore, you trust that if anything should happen to those professional and spiritual “belongings” that I would be testing you. This is superior to your not being able to trust in My protective capacities.

Your faith is that I am involved in every important aspect of your life. Your trust is that this involvement is pointed toward your growth in the spirit, your development as a professional, and your movement on toward enlightenment. Therefore you trust that I shall cause or allow that which is best for you.

This certainly is appropriate and true for the important experiences of life, but I do not directly control every event and happening in your day-to-day life. Still… there is no point in your trying to decide which is important and which is not. Your complete trust is your best position. Also, if you do ask, in prayer, for Me to be involved I surely shall be. So your trust can continue unabated.

SEPT. 17, 1980, 3:30 PM

You must be interested in the definition and description of different aspects of the spiritual dimension to life and health. So hear now as I tell you some things about a fundamental spiritual behavior – trust.

Faith and trust are much alike. You have faith that I shall do something you want. You also trust in Me and assume, in that trust, that I shall do what is best for you. If there is a differentiation it is that faith is a broader, more inclusive concept, and trust is related a bit . . .

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