Trust In Me

JULY 20, 1980, 8:43 AM

You trusted in Me this morning, and you are here without difficulty or hitch. Would it have happened thusly if you had not prayed your prayer of trust and supplication? You shall never know. But it would seem foolish to “test such out.” Actually, you are too far along the spiritual path to approach any major life task without trust that I am part of the opportunity and shall see that My Will and Purposes are fulfilled. You shall never regret being in this position. It is, by far, the best way to live.

You are also trusting me that your guitar will arrive with you and that it will function well tonight. You know there is no guarantee with this trust. You understand correctly. If it is My Purpose that you do your presentation… and well… this evening then I shall surely see that you have all you need in order to so accomplish. But if, instead, I purpose that you grow and develop from some situation of difficulty… where you must trust Me in different and more intense ways… then the conditions will be unexpected. If you trust in Me I shall not leave you or fail you, but My plans may be different than you expect.

Trust in Me… and you shall accomplish. Trust in Me… and you shall have unique, sometimes difficult, times of experiencing that, paradoxically, can be some of life’s best moments.

Some events in life are predestined and pre-circumscribed. Happenings fit plans of Mine so complex you could never come close to understanding. But other events are the results of natural or accidental consequences, and I have infinite ways in which I can use occurrences. Consider that of which We speak this morn – Trust. One of My general goals for you, as well as one of your general goals for yourself, is the further development and more natural, spontaneous manifestation of trust in Me. Therefore there are countless circumstances and situations which have, can, and will accomplish this goal… for you and for others. One situation may not be particularly crucial or useful to you, but it may be for another of My servants, and it could not happen without your active participation.

JULY 20, 1980, 8:43 AM

You trusted in Me this morning, and you are here without difficulty or hitch. Would it have happened thusly if you had not prayed your prayer of trust and supplication? You shall never know. But it would seem foolish to “test such out.” Actually, you are too far along the spiritual path to approach any major life task without trust that I am part of the opportunity and shall see that My Will and Purposes are fulfilled. You shall never regret being in this position. It is, by far, the . . .

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