Trust In Me…

SAT., APR. 8, 2000, 6:45 AM

Here We are, on a windy, cold Spring morning, ready for a Teaching. Your life goes along well, even as you have some concerns about your future. At the same time, I must also attest that you do have faith and trust in Me, your friendly Holy Spirit. So, on a morning in which the trees around this old house are evidencing gusty winds, you’re ready for a Teaching. Trust in Me… Is shall offer you one.

You have had very few real problems in life. We both realize that you have some apprehension about money, but you also have trusted in Me, accepting that I have powers in the earth that are, yes, unlimited. Now I also have told you that I don’t often use these powers, for We, your Triune God, realize, and know from experience, that it is best for the spiritual development of you humans who are incarnate here to deal with this life here in mostly “natural” ways.

So, your daily news is replete with tragic stories, and television program often focus on dangerous, harmful situations. And still I tell you that I see much more positive life scenes, and the tragedies often result in more good than harm. And, as you know, well, by now, there must be deaths to nearly match the births… a balance favorable to a healthy future.

You are now at the age when most men, in your culture, die… on the average. You don’t expect to live much longer, and this is of little concern to you… and it shouldn’t be. So you admit that concerns about money, now, are not for yourself but for Lenore, your life partner. You are quite pleased with your present lifestyle, and you have few, to no, needs that are not met with the income and “cushion” that you have. And you have very few “wants” that go beyond needs.

You do trust in Me, but you also have had a “streak” of independence, in this life, that has been of benefit, in many instances. This often is a “counter” to your trust in Me. We both realize this, and I do see some value in the life perspective. Yet I still say, Trust in Me… I shall provide what you need, in wonderfully diverse ways, and if I don’t “seem to” accomplish as you expect, look for the good lessons that come after such disappointments.

I want you to see this cancer, which is of some concern to you, naturally, as a spur toward your fullest appreciation of the life you’ve enjoyed AND of the remainder of it. Let it urge you to see each day as yet another one to live fully and happily. In the contrast that you see with your sons Michael and Peter, you are being given time to finish out this life in a thoughtful, spirit-filled, appreciative way. Even as you experience pain and other discomforts, see these as opportunities for fuller appreciation.

And, of course, trust in Me to be with you in all that you experience and to be your Guide as you move, slowly or rapidly from this realm to the next one, best for you. Here’s the challenge: savor, as fully as you can, all of the experiences of this present life, in both your daily times and in your memories, AND gently release your sense of these as reality. Live fully, but be less and less attached to what now is. You still have some thoughts that say, “Stay attached.” Just Trust in Me… that I know best. ( 7:41 / 7:44 )

SAT., APR. 8, 2000, 6:45 AM

Here We are, on a windy, cold Spring morning, ready for a Teaching. Your life goes along well, even as you have some concerns about your future. At the same time, I must also attest that you do have faith and trust in Me, your friendly Holy Spirit. So, on a morning in which the trees around this old house are evidencing gusty winds, you’re ready for a Teaching. Trust in Me… Is shall offer you one.

You have had very few real problems in life. We both realize that . . .

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