Trust Is All You Need

FRI., JULY 14, 1995, 10:41 PM

Will I come to you in this unusual hour… for you? Trust is all you need. There’s always a chance that I will test your faith, but after, what is it, 16 years, I don’t need to do that very often. If you sit down, with this pad and paper… and trust… I shall be with you for a Teaching. You have the idea that maybe there will be the opportunity for you and Andy to have Teachings from Me as the same time, in October. So, you’ve been successful in the late night/early morning time. What about this, in the rather early before-going-to-bed time? Trust is all you need.

You are at a time and place in life when, increasingly, you must do what I want you to do. Mostly this will be familiar tasks. I’m not likely to lead you into new and different directions. I’ll mostly lead you away from tasks or situations in which you should not be involved. This discussion and decisions about the additional building for your church is a good example. Do you think the decision for you to leave the meeting last Sunday morning was entirely yours? You felt very little “struggle” in whether you should leave or not… be actively involved or not… and this was because I was leading you, and you have pretty good trust that following these leadings is your best path. This is not an issue with which you should be concerned or involved. It is of very little consequence to Me, except as it truly involves the spirits of your pastors and of some of your fellow members. There may be some clashes and some negative spiritual experience. There are more important issues for you. Trust that I shall let you know what these are.

Yours is a culture that values individual initiative and thinking for yourself. You decided, with My early help, unrecognized, that you had sufficient self-direction and motivation to succeed as a professor, rather than as a teacher/dean at Punahou. You and I were right. You did succeed… though you still have some wonderings about whether you would have succeeded at Stanford. I appreciate such occasional questions, but, as I have told you, you were to be here for most of your career, and being at Stanford helped in your being selected here. Everything worked out as I wanted. Trust was all you needed… which is not to “put down” your professional accomplishments at that time.

Your establishment here has been secure for, now, a number of years. You have several areas of interest and expertise, and though it would be good if you published some in any of these this is not something I’m demanding. The spiritual must be your major focus, even as you utilize your assigned classes as means for making this dimension known. You should offer your HS/I workshop once more before you “hang it up,” but these other classes are very acceptable to Me as diverse, natural ways for students to recognize spirit as a dimension of health.

A new challenge shall be yours in the Fall… the Forum that you have been assigned, and that you have accepted. You’ll need some advice and some study, but, most important, trust that I will lead you in this opportunity. Some of this shall be subtle and unrecognizable, but I also shall offer you Teachings, in both preparation and retrospect of each “lesson.” Trust is not exactly all you’ll need, but it will be vital.

Trust that I will help you adapt to various “threats” and stay well-functioning for as long as possible. I still recommend little to no medical treatment. Your field is health… trust in that positive condition. And trust in Me as one who can and will sustain you for as long as your life should be. You’ll know when it is time to “move on.”

FRI., JULY 14, 1995, 10:41 PM

Will I come to you in this unusual hour… for you? Trust is all you need. There’s always a chance that I will test your faith, but after, what is it, 16 years, I don’t need to do that very often. If you sit down, with this pad and paper… and trust… I shall be with you for a Teaching. You have the idea that maybe there will be the opportunity for you and Andy to have Teachings from Me as the same time, in October. So, you’ve . . .

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