Trust Me

SAT., OCT. 7, 1989, 6:38 AM

It is not a surprise that you are here, even though you’re not certain you can finish this Teaching before other responsibilities call. You know that you have had a few “two part” Teachings, and though I prefer that you give Me all the time that’s necessary I would rather have you here for some time than not at all. As the title proclaims, “Trust Me”.

From time to time (an ultimately meaningless phrase you will some day understand) I need to call on you anew to trust Me. Your life goes along well, with plenty of activities to utilize your attention and energies. I do not directly control your life but I take a few, occasional actions to help keep it on this present course. The threat of losing this Farm was a real one last year, and I offered you a Teaching in relation to that potential change in your life and lifestyle. I said, then, indirectly, trust Me, and you shall be where I want you to be. Now that threat has passed, and stability has returned.

When you have responsibilities that seem more than you can handle, I tell you to trust Me. When time seems insufficient, trust Me… but also use your time more wisely and carefully. When you have decisions to make, do so with dispatch, trust Me and leave the consequences to Me. I know this sounds irresponsible in your culture, but you are almost ready, in terms of your time in this earth life and in spiritual development, to do this more often. You have nothing to fear. You know that, intellectually, but can you actually live out this trust, through decisions that are a bit difficult? This is your challenge. Trust Me.

7:04 / 7:07

You have been nominated for an honor you would truly like to receive. I have told you repeatedly that though you are clearly above average in what you do, professionally, you are not outstanding, which is the main reason you have not received this honor by this time in your career. I approve of your doing what is necessary to apply. I shall not influence the process, but I shall observe, with interest. It would be a fine honor to receive. It could be an even more potent spiritual experience if you should lose out again. Thus, you hear Me saying that you truly can’t lose. For you, all of life’s situations are thus. Trust Me.

7:16 / 6:52 PM

This day has been a good one (of many) in your life, even though you did not finish this in the morning hour. The combination of activities was enjoyable and, some, useful. The days before you leave are becoming less, and you must prepare well. Trust Me, but also follow through with ideas and judgments of your own.

You have a bit of concern about your Sunday class. Trust Me. If it is to continue, I shall provide learners. Be not concerned about numbers. A few can benefit just as a larger number can. It is true that, as Jesus, I more often spoke to a few than to many. If I do not provide withdraw gracefully and be a well prepared participant. Trust that I shall provide the best answer for you.

Trust also that I will send people to you, as students or other than, who shall profit from being with you or who shall give you something that you need. You still need to do the interview with Lee, and one with Bill seems appropriate. One of My covert actions is to nudge various people to you. You are pretty good at recognizing when this happens, though you do miss a few. Trust that I shall continue to do this.

I also say again that you need only trust Me for your financial health. I must caution you against saving too much and not giving to others as you should when you have a surplus. Trust and give. Trust and give. That’s My liturgy for you. Keep your lifestyle simple, as it is now. Trust that I shall provide in myriad ways. Be aware of new ways that I use, as well as those tried and true.

SAT., OCT. 7, 1989, 6:38 AM

It is not a surprise that you are here, even though you’re not certain you can finish this Teaching before other responsibilities call. You know that you have had a few “two part” Teachings, and though I prefer that you give Me all the time that’s necessary I would rather have you here for some time than not at all. As the title proclaims, “Trust Me”.

From time to time (an ultimately meaningless phrase you will some day understand) I need to call on you anew to trust Me . . .

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