Truth Is Here

FRI., JULY 6, 1984, 6:37 AM

Truth is an important aspect of life, o son. Truth and beauty have been linked as necessities for the good, full life, but know also that truth is a form of beauty, and beauty a form of truth. These Teachings are a form of truth (and they do have a certain beauty, (certainly) you recognize), and they are “here”, so let us give attention to this on a cool summer morning.

You have struggled at least once before with the question, “How is truth determined?” In an ultimate sense, truth just “is,” no matter who has offered it or what the conditions might be. Truth “is,” whether or not it has been recognized. But this is of little consequence to you, an incarnated human with limited powers of spiritual discernment. It just is an important perspective.

The practical answer is that truth is what is “proved out” over time and with experience. Truth comes forth from experience. Then you recognize that these are partly contradictory. While you can say that ultimate truth always proves itself, it is contradictory to say that a truth is not a truth until it has proved itself. For I finally come down on the side of… a truth is such, even before it has been tested and proven. But of course I have a decided advantage in making such discernments.

I would have you affirm, as I do, that these Teachings are truth, but then I must add that your transcription of them is not always accurate or complete. You write as you hear, and this is Our process, but your mind must be functioning for this process to be completed, and your conscious mind does interfere, despite your awareness of this. You may get better at this, but I doubt it. Why? Because your lifestyle and preference is to do much exploratory, fantasy thinking, rather than thinking that is the product of a disciplined mind. If your mind were more disciplined you could “keep it out of this” and what you write would be closer to truth. But, being a product of this culture, if you had such a disciplined mind you would not be open enough to receiving this kind of truth, and you would reject the whole process.

Thus, I must nearly always compromise, selecting folk whose minds are open and inquiring, yet who have enough discipline to make for reasonable accuracy. With you, as with many, I must use repetition to identify truth. This next Ruminations shall focus on love (and it is good that you are making notes of relevant Teachings). Demonstrate this practice of repetition by selecting Teachings or quotes from the whole range of this five plus years and nineteen plus volumes. You shall be pleased with what this produces.

The global truth in this title, however, is that truth is here… inside of you, around you in the environment, in other people… in likely and unlikely places. Just as I want you to focus on the positive aspects of health, rather than on the problems and departures, I would have you concentrate on truth rather than falsehood. Some I do call to do this latter, as I call on some to focus on treatment for sickness. Others, however, just seem to choose this negative path. I want you to shun it as much as possible.

FRI., JULY 6, 1984, 6:37 AM

Truth is an important aspect of life, o son. Truth and beauty have been linked as necessities for the good, full life, but know also that truth is a form of beauty, and beauty a form of truth. These Teachings are a form of truth (and they do have a certain beauty, (certainly) you recognize), and they are “here”, so let us give attention to this on a cool summer morning.

You have struggled at least once before with the question, “How is truth determined?” In an ultimate sense, truth just . . .

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