Try… And… “No Need Try”

WED., JULY 18, 2001, 2:54 PM

This is an important concept for you, at your age and in your bodily and mental condition, to consider and to “put into action.” It involves choices and decisions about what you should attempt and how much you should put into accomplishment, OR when and where you should just let matters flow, letting “no need try” be your “way.”

This place… this Farm… has been fairly easy for you to manage. Now, with less that must be done, it still doesn’t look the way you envision it. This is troublesome to you, but you find it less and less easy to just try… and accomplish… what needs to be done.

You have dealt well with your former Department and tasks related to it. Yet you were surprised at how much effort it took to concentrate on Robert’s prelim and then decide how each response was an answer to the question and how many points each merited. It used to be easy. Now it didn’t seem so.

Your decisions on use of time are mostly appropriate for this time in your life, and I won’t criticize these, in general, but since We have agreed on 3 or 4 Teachings each week you should have a few more of the “4 per week.” Don’t worry that I won’t have enough to say to you. I am quite fully aware of your past and your present, and I have many ways of helping you live the rest of this life more fully, even with these several sorts of “losses.” You have this well-developed and familiar way of hearing from Me, and so I say, Be willing… even eager… to hear from Me, even a bit more than is usual now.

Then I’ll also say that you’re doing better “than usual” in re-reading earlier Teachings, even some from Our “early years” together. I have called these your Personal Scriptures, and so it is important for you to “go back” and re-experience My thoughts and admonitions to you, from times past. (You do notice that there is little difference “in quality” between a Teaching from 1981 and one from 2001. You should see this as evidence that you “didn’t need to get better”… that it was I, your friendly Holy Spirit, and I have been pleased with your “hearing” Me and writing such down, in quite a satisfactory way.)

Oh, another comment on your judging of Robert’s prelim – you did have to “try harder,” for you have had nothing, recently, with which to compare it. You could have tried a bit harder to write comments on each of his responses. You did so, initially, and then… “no need try” came over you and you just put down a number. You should remember that you were critical, in your active career, of readers of your students’ exams who would not write comments. Now you just did what you once criticized. This must indicate that this is another task that you’ve now done, for the last time!

This bit of rain that came, for a few minutes, is another fair example of today’s title. You were worrying about your lawn and gardens drying up. You even considered putting the sprinkler on in Our Meditation Garden. But you waited…and I, with My “atmosphere’s cooperation,” let down enough water for now. “No need try.”

Tomorrow morning is Bible Study (and you hope “most of the group” will be there. You are pleased to be back in the New Testament, with one of your supreme “favorites,” Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Your Letter is well-marked, but as you read it, yet again (before the morn), mark the 4 or 5 favorite passages, so you can comment on these. You can try a little harder to be re-impressed with Paul’s observations.

WED., JULY 18, 2001, 2:54 PM

This is an important concept for you, at your age and in your bodily and mental condition, to consider and to “put into action.” It involves choices and decisions about what you should attempt and how much you should put into accomplishment, OR when and where you should just let matters flow, letting “no need try” be your “way.”

This place… this Farm… has been fairly easy for you to manage. Now, with less that must be done, it still doesn’t look the way you envision it. This is . . .

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