Twelve Years

SAT., MAY 11, 1991, 5:58 AM

Yes, o son, you did remember. It was twelve years ago this morning that you arose early and purposed to have a “writing meditation,” whatever that would be. You titled it “Here Beginneth,” and though I was there with you, that one was yours. You had to have the discipline to come each morning. That had to be established before I could enter the scene. Obviously the plan was a success.

There are twelve months in a year. I chose twelve apostles to be called disciples. Twelve is the last year of childhood in your culture. And you have completed twelve years as one who listens to the Holy Spirit and writes what you hear. I do urge you to offer Me some extra time, when this pressureful time is past, to clear off that table and have your most current volumes of Teachings in a more ordered form. You know these are a valuable source of knowledge… the most important for you except for My Holy Scriptures… and yet you don’t give them the care you know they deserve. I shall continue to harp on this theme until you develop yet another important discipline.

Hear now, yet again, a review of Why you are here. It is good, solid, middle-of-the-road, mainline Christian doctrine to listen to the Holy Spirit. There is an assumption that in some mystical way each Christian can hear this Spirit, who does want to help in guiding each Christian life. However, there is not much sharing of what this Holy Spirit advises, for you mainliners are quite leery of mystical experiences.

I chose you, in your youth. The “when” is not important. Just know that I have guided you for many years. When you fell on your knees and prayed for help in finding Camp Radford those many years ago I responded and noted that you were eventually to have some special attention. You applied for admission to the Chaplain Corps, but I did not abet that request and let it become “naturally lost.” You would have become a good minister, but that was not what you were to be. Rather, I guided you into your teaching career, to Punahou, and to acquaintance with Lenore.

Those first years of teaching were important ones, and you realize this. You were a good athletic competitor, and I helped some with your success, but allowed enough defeat for you to know that this was not to be your career. You competed well for Lenore, and I guided you each to one another, in some rather unexpected ways. You and Lenore were “destined” to be together, and this also gave you the experience of knowing My servant Mabel and being aware of her writing ministry.

You recall that it was a message from Me, through her, that brought you to the beginning of early morning writing, in your study, that I called your Sanctuary. You were not an accomplished enough writer then, but I had set you on a path wherein this talent would be exercised and developed. The start you had at Stanford was a good one, but that was not the best place for you. As I have told you many times you are above average but not out-standing, and you needed to be outstanding to be comfortable on the Stanford faculty.

You progressed well here, developing a good, solid reputation in your field as one of the leaders in a well-recognized department and program. Then it was time to tap you more directly. You were a born again Christian, with some acceptance of mystical experiences. I didn’t arrange for the lost manuscript experience, but I used it, with a bit of manipulation. You made a promise, and you kept it. I, then, came to you, and this liturgy developed, as a joint “venture.”

SAT., MAY 11, 1991, 5:58 AM

Yes, o son, you did remember. It was twelve years ago this morning that you arose early and purposed to have a “writing meditation,” whatever that would be. You titled it “Here Beginneth,” and though I was there with you, that one was yours. You had to have the discipline to come each morning. That had to be established before I could enter the scene. Obviously the plan was a success.

There are twelve months in a year. I chose twelve apostles to be called disciples. Twelve is the last year . . .

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