Two Friends Named Andy

SAT., NOV. 19, 1994, 12:18 PM

Yes, o son, you are privileged, at this time in your life to have two friends, both called Andy. They both are servants of Mine, even as they certainly represent My love for diversity. One is a male, a long time friend, a senior citizen, and one whose life work has been rather directly related to Me. The other is female, a close friend and associate of rather short duration, a young middle-ager, and one seeking a doctorate so she can pursue a career like unto yours.

The older Andy has had a good life of service for Me, but with many challenges to his spirit. His beloved wife has been one of those who must suffer much from earth’s physical maladies. She has a resilient spirit, and this has been the major reason she still is alive and serving in her ways. Their daughters have also been a spiritual trial, with drugs and alcohol being means by which they departed from Me and made life painful for their parents and others. It was “a hard way” to go through youth and young adult life, but I continued to forgive and hold out My Hand to them, and each responded, finally. It was a hard and unexpected “lesson” for Andy, and his spirit grew tremendously through these experiences. He didn’t do it for eternal reward, but he shall continue to experience such as he passes on over to a less stressful realm.

Andy, the Andrea one, is one specially chosen for service similar to yours. She is working hard now to reach her academic goal, with some family and mental and physical problems to deal with at the same time. She hears Me in ways similar to the way I come to you. She writes, in a different way, but she, too, writes down what she hears. She is not yet as comfortable with this “gift” as you are, but since her visit here she has fewer doubts that this she must continue to do.

She is a Quaker. He is a Nazarene. How’s that for diversity in two good friends? They would like each other, should they ever meet… but this is unlikely. They both write to you, in real and important friendship. You can feel Me leaning on you to see the importance of your writing back, to each of them.

Old Andy is one of those associates during your early years in the alcohol studies field who became and remains a good friend. David and Bob are two others who have been likewise, and they also represent blatant diversity, as friends to you and servants of Mine. I led you into that alcohol field, even as you were unaware of that leading in your younger years. You had a good place in it, for enough years, and it helped secure this position, from which you have developed interests and competencies closer to My way for you.

SAT., NOV. 19, 1994, 12:18 PM

Yes, o son, you are privileged, at this time in your life to have two friends, both called Andy. They both are servants of Mine, even as they certainly represent My love for diversity. One is a male, a long time friend, a senior citizen, and one whose life work has been rather directly related to Me. The other is female, a close friend and associate of rather short duration, a young middle-ager, and one seeking a doctorate so she can pursue a career like unto yours.

The older Andy . . .

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