Two Places… Connected

SAT., JUNE 14, 1997, 10:38 AM

Yes, o son, it now is more than half way through this visit, from a familiar place, to this early familiar place, and then… back. The nostalgia shall arise more fully this afternoon and tomorrow, with recollections of the first years of your career, and some of the people who were students or colleagues. These recollections are of an important… and an unimportant… part of your life. It could be the last time you’ll be here. Appreciate it as such or as an ongoing return.

You have been fortunate in the places you have lived and in what you have been privileged to be and do in each. As you know, not everyone, even in your culture… or your portion of the culture…is so fortunate or responds as you have, and do, to places in which you are. It was sad to see what was once your front lawn on Pipers Pali. That makes you realize the harm that can come from something as good as trees and bushes. You see this happening to your north yard on the Farm, and you must promise yourself to replant that with grass and flowers that can prosper in such shade. You now have a better balance of sun and shade in your front yard. Be aware as such balances change and be willing to counter what is not desirable.

Breakfast this morning with Patti represented another connection of these two disparate places. She is working hard here to establish herself professionally but also is aware of this as a balance that cannot be sustained. As you noted, this is a place with quite a range in activity. At one extreme are the pressures to work hard and long and accomplish much. At the other is the Hawaiian aloha spirit of “easy does it”… “enjoy life, with as little pressure as possible”.

For you, this was a place where your life was toward the first extreme. But you were young and well-motivated. You are benefiting now from the experiences of those early years, as you move toward the “aloha” extreme. In a place quite different from this one you shall be able to be more like the Hawaiians.

The major responsibility I want you to feel… and to which I want attention… is to Me and the Teachings I have given you and will continue to provide. A few of your friends, family, and former students will understand this, but many will not. Here there are few with whom you can talk comfortably about this gift. (You had an “opening” with Patti this morning, and you let it slip by. Too bad. It would have been worth the attempt, at least.)

Appreciate increasingly how your life in Southern Illinois is connected with this place. You have spoken of your decision to come here, from which came not only this early teaching and coaching experience, but Lenore… Joanne’s visits, and therefore all of what goes on around the pool below you now. Consider also that because you were here you responded to the “tradition” to go to Stanford, and from that came your association with the Presbyterian Church and your initial born-again experience. With the opportunities you created and were offered you developed a good writing style, which I have used over the past 18 years. I do want you to see how this all fits together, even some of the “parts” that don’t seem to match up.

Not all human lives has such connections. But it is My Will that some do… it’s part of the fun of being Holy Spirit. In this place there are some with sufficient to excessive incomes… and many who struggle to live well in this expensive place. My “elections” of people to serve Me in diverse ways have nothing to do with income, position, or reputation. Yet I always am ready to respond to most of those who seek Me sincerely. Connections of which I’ve spoken are not all-or-none. I can “pick up” a life at any point… even some after earth life is over.

You have virtually lost the connections with Long Beach and the Stanford area. They are not as relevant to you as this place and your-now-home place. Will you lose your connection with the University, even with its proximity to your Farm. You needn’t, but I’ll advise you on the best ways to maintain it, for mutual benefits. Enjoy this day… in this place.

11:27 AM