Two Remembrances

SAT., DEC. 7, 1991, 11:45 AM

The date is December 7, and you knew that I have words for you on this day. It is a day of two important remembrances for you, and surely you would not want this to pass without hearing My comments. It is a different time, but I can speak in this midday time, as well. Try Me!

Your country is remembering this day, now exactly 50 years ago, that Pearl Harbor was attacked, and your country went to war, and you were sure to be involved. Your father was too young for the war before this one, and your sons have missed being called to serve in time of war. You were to go, and you remember no fear that came from that certainty. As you mused yesterday you considered that the attack which provoked participation by your country was timed beautifully for you. By the time you were old enough to serve, the college officer training program was open (and briefly), giving you education instead of combat. Then the tide turned in your favor, and your college years in officer training were prolonged. And then the war was won… and over.

Entitlement came for more education, allowing you to be prepared for this, your ultimate career. All of this “timing” also led you to Hawaii, the location remembered on this day, to the commencement of your teaching career, and to relationship with Lenore, the life partner I intended for you. Does this make Me the instigator of the Pearl Harbor attack so that your destiny could be fulfilled? I judge that you’d have a hard time convincing historians of that! It is, instead, a prime example of My capacities to use earth happenings for My purposes. You needn’t ask how I do it.

Your country was in a difficult economic condition before that war began. Fifty years later you have economic woes again. This time no war looms to save the slide. Just work hard, use money carefully, and be appreciative of My care for you. As it has been, it shall continue to be.

The other anniversary is that of your son Peter’s death, now 15 years ago. Peter was a sweet young boy who then had great difficulty moving toward maturity. You were not a particularly good parent for him, but he appreciated your trying. Some day he shall tell you that himself. He contemplated death as a way out of his troubled life, but his actual death was not purposeful. Yet he came over easily. He could have lived on, but he chose to come on over to Me, and I welcomed him.

You have used the story of his death and your responses to it as a part of your educative process. Continue to be careful in telling the story, but know that I approve, and so does Peter. Peter’s story is an important part of what your students learn about life and death, as are the stories of Sharmayn and little Nick. You know I like to teach with stories, and so I say, “Keep it up!”

Peter’s life with you was not a great success story. Consider, however, that there are many important stories that do not reek of success. Christmas is a time of the remembrance of My birth, as the baby Jesus. The story does not go on to tell of what I was like as a child. The one account of Me at twelve years of age is, of course, an incident of disobedience, and My parents could not understand why this was necessary. The Scriptures tell that My mother stayed with Me, but she was often disappointed that I was not as she expected Me to be. Finally, of course, she was aware that I did nothing to prevent My death, as a young man, and she, too, had doubts about her performance as a mother.

So, if “Pearl Harbor” hadn’t occurred when it did it would have been much more difficult to bring you and Lenore together, and hence Peter’s very life also goes back to this historic December 7th. So, for you the war, which was so destructive, was a personal blessing. Peter, a difficult son, also was a blessing, and you need to acknowledge this more surely. Each of your sons is a blessing. I affirm this, and I want you to internalize this, irrespective of particular deeds or moods.

The spiritual truth is that all blessings are not obvious, particularly in the ways of thinking your culture encourages. I encourage you to remember two this date, two of the many that have been yours to experience. Perhaps this affirmation can lead you to see others, that you have not so considered. Remembrances.

12:40 PM