Two Tasks

SUN., JULY 19, 1987, 12:46 PM

You are in the midst of Christians much like you, and this is basically comfortable. Know that you are here because I want you here. I know this sounds “haughty” when you say it, so be cautious, but when there is an opportunity to be honest, take it. You are here to achieve reinforcement of two tasks that are yours to live, rather than to do. Hear, o son, for I, the Holy Spirit, do speak to you in this unusual place at this unusual time.

The first task is to grow in your concept and your practice of spirituality. The answer to the question, for you, is that you are a spirit on a human path. You have a good sense of what spiritual means in life, and all of these are not explainable, by any means. But communicating to others is not always in words, and you can improve in such communication. Continue to devise ways to “teach” development of the spirit… and let the experiences here be means to that end.

Make no previous judgments as to how good a particular experience may be. Go into everything you do with awareness and appreciation of both your goal and the nature of the activity. “Being spiritual” or “practicing spirituality” is merely acknowledging the gentle fact that eternal spirit is what you are and all life experiences are potential means of developing that spirit. Hear again that I do not call you to renounce your humanness or be less of a human person. I want you to lead a comfortable “double life.” You are to know that spirit is the ultimate reality but you are to live life in interaction with a lot of other people, many of whom are not on your path, or as far along as you are. Remember that I, as Jesus, did this in an ultimate fashion. I attest that it is possible.

The second task stems from the one just cited. It is to be a “prophet” in the classic sense, but with only very limited following. You are not to assume, in any conscious or direct way, the role of guru… except as this means master teacher. It may be that no one at this “school” discovers you have this gift. That would not thwart My plan for you. On the other hand, someone might discern this, or the opportunity to tell your story might arise, and you would take it. That could be helpful to Me. You hear Me, and you write what you hear. That is modern day prophetic faithfulness. Keep it up.

I speak in many ways through many servants. Few of you look perfect and ideal as you reflect My words. I shall continue to bolster you by affirming that what you do and what political and social positions you take is not of consequence in comparison to being faithful to Me. I have no objection to your taking Republican positions in the past… or on into the future. I shall not tell you that the positions of the Democrats are precisely Mine, but I can approve of your seeing this as an appropriate season for such.

It is important, however, that you remain fundamentally a steward of My gifts. What you have are gifts from Me. Even when you work you do not deserve what you receive. So continue to live frugally and be generous with your excess. There are so many causes that are consonant with your major concerns. Give with this spirit of stewardship, for what you have is not earned, but is an undeserved gift from Me. If your nation took this position this could be quite a different earth plane.

SUN., JULY 19, 1987, 12:46 PM

You are in the midst of Christians much like you, and this is basically comfortable. Know that you are here because I want you here. I know this sounds “haughty” when you say it, so be cautious, but when there is an opportunity to be honest, take it. You are here to achieve reinforcement of two tasks that are yours to live, rather than to do. Hear, o son, for I, the Holy Spirit, do speak to you in this unusual place at this unusual time.

The first task . . .

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