Two “Time Marks”

WED., JUNE 20, 2001, 7:28 AM

Yes, o son, your life now, with few responsibilities, is becoming more and more “timeless.” Oh, there are television programs that are “regular,” but this is now the summer “season,” so even these aren’t as predictable. Your two “marks” are Thursday morning, for breakfast-Bible study, and then Sunday morning for worship and other church activities. As you might expect, I, Holy Spirit, approve of the retention of these “activities,” as your life now can become less organized and scheduled.

I’m not as pleased that Our Ruminations that was due to be finished and mailed last March is still not typed or printed. I don’t expect that you’ll “catch up,” so just keep it on your list, and expect that I will continue to “bug” you to finish this one, and then get on with another. These Letters, of course, are your means of sharing some of what I tell you, about life, in general, and life, in quite specific instances and circumstances. As you know, this should be continued!

I’m not pushing you about the bank statement, for I realize that at this time in your life you have more money than you could imagine (well, not really… you have “imagined” more, in fantasy, I’ve noticed!), and so keeping day to day entries in your register isn’t as “necessary” as in “poorer times,” but it is “being responsible” to get… and keep… your register up to date. Your feet still tell you that the healing from that “walk in the woods” is not yet complete, but you needn’t let your finances (at least the account of them) be another “sore point.” I know there’s no danger, but I press you to get this mess up to date, for a more “gentle” spiritual life… My main concern.

Your current Bible study is in the Book of My Man, Ezekiel… and you do find Me to be (or at least to seem) much more “active” than in these days of yours. At least I told Ezekiel, and he told “My people” (so that it was written down and preserved as one of the longer Books in the Old Testament) that I would destroy their enemies… or help them in such destruction… and, if they continued to “stray” from Me, I would destroy them, as well.

As you read this, you assume that neither the Jews nor the Assyrians (or any other folk of that time) were nearly as numerous as are their “descendants” of today. It seems as though the earth is “swarming” with humans, even though Ehrlick’s predictions, of over 30 years ago, of consequences, don’t seem to be true, as he expressed them.

Yet I do see some danger to My Earth, My best planet, from the increase in humans, AND from human activity, led by your culture, that are producing more waste, making the Earth less liveable. As a “student” of My words and actions in Biblical times you either can assume that I am now a “better, gentler, mamby pamby” God OR that I am purposely making life harder for the next generation, that of your kids. Otherwise I “should” act to diminish the human numbers and “moderate” the technological advances. You don’t see Me doing this, at this time. So… do I choose not to OR am I unable to?

Sunday must always be a day for gathering to acknowledge Me, if only for an hour, more or less. It is a “Day of Rest” only for some businesses and institutions, but, obviously, some people must work to keep the culture “going.” Independence is no longer easy. Most of you have become more dependent on institutions, other than churches, that must keep functioning on Sundays.

WED., JUNE 20, 2001, 7:28 AM

Yes, o son, your life now, with few responsibilities, is becoming more and more “timeless.” Oh, there are television programs that are “regular,” but this is now the summer “season,” so even these aren’t as predictable. Your two “marks” are Thursday morning, for breakfast-Bible study, and then Sunday morning for worship and other church activities. As you might expect, I, Holy Spirit, approve of the retention of these “activities,” as your life now can become less organized and scheduled.

I’m not as pleased that Our Ruminations that was . . .

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