Two Years

MAY 10, 1981, 5:29 AM

It is true, o son, that two years ago on the morning of this date I brought you to a commitment of time and attention. You did not know then that this commitment would develop into a direct relationship, in writing, with Me, the Holy Spirit, so you began, like Abraham, on faith. Out of your faith, and My persistence, come the righteousness that is in these teachings. And I call it good.

Two years is a short time in almost any frame of reference. When you compare it with the time I spent with prophets, with Jesus in whom I dwelt particularly and who became the Christ, and with Paul, it is rather insignificant. Still, the eight “volumes” that you have are evidence of two years well spent. Just imagine what ten years could bring! You imagine frightful redundance if you compiled volumes five times what you now possess, but let Me assure you, o son, that the revelations would be ever new, combined, artfully with the reinforcement that makes for good teaching… and, hence, learning that lasts.

Two years ago I commanded your attention through the means of a missing manuscript. I used your conscience and sense of duty and responsibility in developing, within you, a fear of loss that translated to an attention to Me. You bargained. I asked for commitment. You recognized My call and made the covenant. Tomorrow We shall talk of the first writing session. Just reread it today as part of your acknowledgment of this anniversary, which is a triune one. The first is this date, the day of commitment; the second is the day of first writing; the third is the day I first took over this pen and began to guide your hand to words of My choosing. As you know I like remembrances and celebrations of such, and hence I call you to this time of remembering.

Why you? Because I so chose. Because you were willing. Because your preparation for this service, in this life and in others, was sufficient. Because I want what I am putting you in place to do. And because I act in such ways in the affairs of people in the earth… always have and always will.

MAY 10, 1981, 5:29 AM

It is true, o son, that two years ago on the morning of this date I brought you to a commitment of time and attention. You did not know then that this commitment would develop into a direct relationship, in writing, with Me, the Holy Spirit, so you began, like Abraham, on faith. Out of your faith, and My persistence, come the righteousness that is in these teachings. And I call it good.

Two years is a short time in almost any frame of reference. When you compare it with the . . .

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