
WED., NOV. 1, 1989, 6:28 AM

This is the word I offer you as the title for today’s Teaching. You were not certain of its meaning, so I allowed you to check it. Now you shall just have to use it as best you can, hearing what I have to say about it. Accept this as a small test of faith in the process of Ours.

You are rather confident, after more than ten years, that you are hearing Me, the Holy Spirit, speaking to you directly. I often come to you in what can be called a liberal mode. That is, I offer you insights that seem different from some Scriptural premises… from conservative interpretations of Scripture. I do this because I am a Spirit alive and well acquainted with the modern world. Holy Scripture is absolutely fundamental, and then I say that I cannot be bound and restricted by particular Scriptural passages. That is breaking the first Commandment, creating a God limited by rather than revealed best by the words and events of Scripture.

I tell you that I have chosen you for this adventure of hearing Me. I tell you that I am the final, ultimate power in this earth scene… that satan’s power has some importance for some, but it is never a match for Mine. A conservative view is that satan’s power in the earth is greater than Mine, and “his voice” can override Mine. He is the great imposter, speaking in My Name to lead you away from truth. For you, this could only be true if he were more powerful than I or if I did not care for you. Neither is true.

Yet I call on you to continue to be in contact with some who take umbrage at My words, through you. The Christian family is more diverse than any human family. A basic principle of Christian family life is one of loving family members, even as their values, behaviors, and life patterns are different from yours. The responsibility/opportunity within the Christian family is similar… and greater. Your task is not to convert them to your view of life or to the conclusions to which you come because of My Teachings. Rather, it is to be in contact, emphasizing the commonalities you have, rather than the few differences.

Some would cling to the admonition, “Those who are not for Me are against Me,” trying always to narrow the faithful to those with a common interpretations of earth life. I tell you to prefer the more inclusive, “Those who are not against Me are for Me,” embracing a wide range of folk who love God and seek to serve Him, but in many diverse ways. You must not take umbrage at those who have difficulty with all that I offer to you… and that you express, in more public ways. Continue in fellowship.

Be proud of these Teachings and be confident about their origin, but do not be argumentative. Hear what others say, and pay attention, for I use others as a way of teaching, as well as this direct method. Have faith that I, being in constant contact, will interpret and comment upon any challenge to My words to you. Eternally I encourage you to be more familiar with Holy Scripture, for what I say to you shall never counter basic Scriptural truth. I may interpret differently to you, and I may update culturally-bound happenings that no longer apply to you. I may comment on aspects of life quite different from Biblical times, but Scriptural Truth remains, even as it not equally obvious to all.

WED., NOV. 1, 1989, 6:28 AM

This is the word I offer you as the title for today’s Teaching. You were not certain of its meaning, so I allowed you to check it. Now you shall just have to use it as best you can, hearing what I have to say about it. Accept this as a small test of faith in the process of Ours.

You are rather confident, after more than ten years, that you are hearing Me, the Holy Spirit, speaking to you directly. I often come to you in what can be . . .

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