Understanding A Concept

THURS., JULY 16, 1987, 5:42 AM

Some years ago, now, you (with help from Me) formulated this concept of human/spiritual interaction that is the basis for your present workshop. As you consider the way you understand it now it seems amazing that you could have described it so well, without the experience of these intervening years. So this morning, ere the sun rises, I shall comment both on the concept and on the understanding of it. Give heed, o son.

Initially you did not include self, spiritual because you saw all aspects of self included in mental/emotional balance. But your own students led you to see that there is a spirit aspect to self, and this belongs as a kind of interaction. As you read Ellen’s paper this becomes even clearer. The spiritual self can have almost continuous interaction with other aspects of self. There are good reasons for your still being in bed… or up doing something else… but your spiritual self responded to My call, and We, then, overcome the objections of your less spiritual self, and here you are. Using the cat’s meow was a creative touch, wasn’t it?

Your interaction with Me, the Holy Spirit, is now so natural that you almost have lost the sense of it being a mystical and unlikely part of your life. As you read over your current Ruminations you are reminded that some number of those who read this… even many… will be skeptical of this reported interaction. Yet this is the ultimate human/spiritual interaction, and so many people could be enjoying more of it than they are now. One value of these Ruminations is that your presentation of My Teachings to you and your reactions to them help to make this interaction seem more possible to some… over time. And, yes, even as you have not yet sent this present one out, you can begin work on the next one… to be on this concept of human/spiritual interaction, with comments on the workshops you have had. You really need not fret about what it is you are to do next.

As you understand the concept more and more fully you must be aware of how far this removes you from those who do not. Teaching about it actually becomes more difficult, because it is so easy to just assume more comprehension in learners. Continue to devise and utilize learning activities that give learners opportunities to develop their own understandings. You (just) cannot be successful in trying to just tell about it.

Know, too, that this is a real action concept. Your understanding of it is displayed more by your life actions than in papers written or lectures given. Your interactions with people are both the evidence of your understanding and the best means of developing further understanding. Be aware of interactions with spirits also. Be ever ready to experience such directly in your own life, but also begin to explore the stories that learners share with you about experiences they have had. You can begin to see what an exciting path I am leading you along.

You should make this the theme of your sabbatical study. Lack of experience and understanding are the main reasons you have not organized that on paper yet. Now you should begin to do so. This concept can be the theme for your travels and one of the main focuses for your analysis of Dubos’ writings. Isn’t it nice when a plan seems to be falling in to place?

THURS., JULY 16, 1987, 5:42 AM

Some years ago, now, you (with help from Me) formulated this concept of human/spiritual interaction that is the basis for your present workshop. As you consider the way you understand it now it seems amazing that you could have described it so well, without the experience of these intervening years. So this morning, ere the sun rises, I shall comment both on the concept and on the understanding of it. Give heed, o son.

Initially you did not include self, spiritual because you saw all aspects of self included in . . .

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