Unity Is The Goal

SAT., MAY 4, 1996, 11:07 AM

It is not easy to define and describe a single goal of human life… for each of the diverse individuals I have allowed to be created and be in various stages of development. I repeatedly have identified the process for you. I call it spiritual growth and development. But growth toward what? Toward a oneness, a unity, if you will, with Me. With Me, the Holy Spirit, Who is One with the Almighty Creator and Sustainer God and with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah Who has taken your sin from you, that’s Who your unity will eventually be with.

I’ve guided you to read and consider these seven steps, presented by My unorthodox servant, Deepak. He is a spiritual man, one with important insights, some of them important to you. Hear now My interpretation of the stages he’s identified.

All babies and most children are in the stage he calls innocence. This involves learning to function as a human, but with little sense of why events happen as they do. Oh, there are some children who have well developed souls who become aware, early, of Me, of sin and virtue, and of the importance of giving for others. In other words, innocence doesn’t last long for some, and there is quite a range, as I see all children.

For some do, rather quickly, develop an ego, or a sense of “themself”, as apart from others. This can be a realization held very gently or it can be a more powerful perception, leading toward selfishness and self-importance… the “big ego”. This can lead on to being an achiever, which, again, can range from a very selfish motive to one that blends well with the next stage, being a giver. Thus, achieving may benefit self, encouraging ego or it can be for the benefit of others… or, obviously, some blend of these. Thus, Deepak’s stages are in one sense a progression, and, in another, they can be blended in many different ways.

Your general, secular culture only encourages development this far. You are to grow out of innocence into an individual person (ego), then become an achiever, with some of your achievements done for the benefit of others. Some souls resonate to such a limited “goal” and live out life in such a narrow way, some even regressing back to almost innocence, with little sense of self.

Yet many souls, even in your culture, want to seek some meaning and purpose beyond the obviously material. Some seek and find Me early and, with study, worship, commitment, and an active church life begin to see life as a more cosmic experience. They develop knowledge beyond what is taught. Wisdom begins to creep… or to burst… in, with revelations about My love, My power, and My “plans”, for them as individuals and for all of creation. You can let yourself be in such a stage, but you also see how difficult it is to maintain this “vision”, immersed as you are in your culture.

Yet you, and some others, have glimpses of this consciousness of unity… unity with Me and with all of creation. You know you didn’t feel that as you went down looking for where those two cows escaped from your pasture. You’d like to be able to meet crises such as that with a God consciousness and a sense of unity. You are making progress, but it still doesn’t come easily and “naturally”. How do you deal with an energetic puppy who eats the tops off of plants just beginning to thrive in your garden? You have many such challenges in applying what you know to actual events.

SAT., MAY 4, 1996, 11:07 AM

It is not easy to define and describe a single goal of human life… for each of the diverse individuals I have allowed to be created and be in various stages of development. I repeatedly have identified the process for you. I call it spiritual growth and development. But growth toward what? Toward a oneness, a unity, if you will, with Me. With Me, the Holy Spirit, Who is One with the Almighty Creator and Sustainer God and with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah Who has taken your sin from . . .

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