
NOV. 5, 1981, 5:24 AM

You are taking a leap of faith, o son, as you put this title to the paper. The content is generally unknown, so you open yourself to hearing about… what? Listen carefully. This shall be a good test.

Nothing is truly unknown to Me… except that I choose to let the earth and its inhabitants function in ways that I set up but do not directly determine. I still have control. I have not ever given that away, and I can exert force whenever I desire or need to. So exact consequences are not known by Me ahead of time, but I know so much about alternative actions, and people, and the earth that I am rarely genuinely surprised.

For most people life is full of unknowns. Through both maturity, progress along the path, and these teachings you are coming to know more than most. This gives you opportunities for teaching, certainly, but also the frustration of trying to communicate with people not ready for learning… people almost comfortable with unknowns.

Death is a fine example. You shall soon be preparing for that Spring class (yes, it should be soon), and it is important that you continually remind yourself that some who come to learn are facing death as an unknown. So you must communicate what you do know gently and carefully. It is often difficult to come from the unknown into the known. Some, like Art, stubbornly persist in not knowing, as some kind of badge of honor. Don’t give up. Just persist in shining the light of your knowledge on the darkness of the unknown and be assured that in important instances I am there, teaching through and by means of you. With which people? Some you shall recognize, and others will remain basically unknown. Just hear that each individual who is yours to teach, officially and formally or incidentally, is potentially someone I am working with specifically… and, unknown to you, We are working as a team. See what that does to your perceptions and expectations about your teaching opportunities.

Going back to death… it should not be an unknown. Consciousness continues clearly in those who are ready (and why should one not be ready). Leaving the body is rather simple. Often departure comes as a relief, when the body is old, damaged, or otherwise malfunctioning. There is reunion… to symbolize the continuity of the life experience. There is judgment, but it is mostly your own judgment of yourself on the way you lived your life and on how you met karmic opportunities. There is judgment, but also a lot of mercy and forgiveness. After all, an opportunity missed becomes an opportunity to meet and fulfill at another time.

But the truly fascinating quality of death is its opening up of what has been unknown during earth life. Oh, it’s acceptable to “feel bad” about knowledges you were not able to regain in the earth…for a brief moment… but the focus should be on what you did accomplish and what still lies ahead. Now, in the earth, the other realms of being are unknown to you. This is as it should be, for you need not be spending valuable earth time (and time is apparently real and valuable here in the earth) considering the merits of other realms. When you move across, that which has been unknown becomes more clearly known again… and “life” goes on.

What does this day hold for you? You have some plans, some of which shall be realized. Yet some of what shall happen is unknown to you now. That is natural… and also exciting. What adaptations will you have to make? Will there be any dangerous situations? If there are, will you feel frightened or excited?

Matthew is still an unknown at this time. As I have told you he is not as “unknown” to Me as he is to you. Yet I do not know all that shall befall him before he turns to Me and makes clear changes in his life style. Have faith, and do what you can. Listen to Lenore, but also follow your own spirit. Compromises shall be frequent.

See, you accomplished.

6:31 AM