
JUNE 9, 1979, 7:20 AM

Your word this morning pleased you, and that was a bit worrisome for you. You want a teaching that bounds from this word, but you are afraid, o son, that if you can write in relation to a theme that you desire… I may not be the Director. Fear not. If you listen the words will flow, and your mind and Mine become intertwined. I am involved. Write it firmly for the record.

Yes, o fragile one, this is an unlikely thing We do together. It is at My initiative. I wanted it, and I put it upon your heart and within your mind. You come to a quiet place (Yes, I put the “study” idea in your mind also… I wanted that… and I’ll be more pleased when you finish the task and clean it up!) and your pen writes My teaching. Simple? But you know that the trouble is… since I don’t do this with most people, why should I do it with you? It is unlikely that I, the Lord, the Spirit, am speaking with you in this way. A new saying I give unto you: “Unlikely are the ways of the Spirit.” Remember the phrase in the Presbyterian teaching… “He works when, and where, and how he pleases.”

It is unlikely that I should choose a Midwestern professor of health education to be in this relationship with Me. When people question, how can you justify your claim? How can you prove that what is unlikely is, nevertheless, real? There are many doubters about in the earth. (So many are surprised when they die!)

The difficulty is that so many folks do not expect that I really act personally. So many cannot comprehend (as I told you before) that I can do this and myriad other things “at the same time”. This is an hour out of your day, but it is not so with me. I could do this with many others at this “same time”, and though the writings would be different they would all “be Me”. Is that unlikely? You don’t really understand the telephone system, but, yes, this is an impure example. Many calls can be going on at the same time, and, if the system works right, each involves only the parties and the messages that should be together. My “system” never overloads. I can tend to all that I must, and all that I will. “What else is so nice for the price?”

That little slogan contains the other truth that is necessary: there is a price. The price is surrender. The price is belief… faith. The price is discipline. The price is willingness. And the price is developed ability.

Let’s answer a doubter, then. Let’s respond to one who says, “Unlikely”. Could he do what you do? Could she do what you do? Anyone who hears My words – powerful and gentle, familiar and unfamiliar, serious and silly, straightforward and symbolic – must have faith in Me and must believe that I not only can but actually do act in this way. Then one must surrender time and will and become a means by which I act. (You don’t do this well, but you are better than I expected at this time.) One must surrender to My will and My direction. This can be done without My initiative, but it is not as likely.

One must develop within his being the discipline that is necessary… to get up, to remain with the task until it is completed… to control one’s own mind enough so that My thoughts prevail. And one must be willing to exert this discipline and willing to maintain this surrender. Again, My Will helps, but it is not absolutely necessary. I will not hinder those who would try to reach Me.

And, finally, one must have some developed facility with words and the honed capacity to write one’s own thoughts as they develop. Which are the words to write? What is the proper order? (Oh, I could do something like this with an illiterate, but Bill Cosby is right when he has Me say, “I don’t work that way!”) I can work unlikely miracles, but I prefer the more reasonable. So if one is to do what you do he must be a reasonably skilled writer. (Again, not “must”, but “should”)

When one has the full price of admission, one is admitted, without question, to the performance.

This parable has another application. Once you have paid the price and are experiencing the “performance” do you judge that it is worth the price? You will persist with this task as long as it seems to be worthwhile. The tuition is high. Is the price right?

This is another way to judge what We do here together. What is its worth? How does it compare with My older Scriptures? There will be some instances where there is contrast, but always remember that some Scriptures contrast with others, because truths are not always consistent, as humans think.

But if I help you develop a vital, useful, yet simple way of understanding true health, and you are able to teach it to others and they, in turn, to others… and it has been nurtured by these pages… then that should be a good evidence. Remember that it is a developed you that I use. Could you have done it without me? There is no way to prove that. And you’re not willing to move away from My direction to try to “prove” anything.

Unlikely. It is… and will be… in the minds of many. Not really (unlikely)… this will be the response of those who have paid My price in other realms of endeavor.

You have been faithful this day. Enjoy your work. I certainly do. (Yours and Mine!)

A likely Amen.
8:32 AM

(This was another full 4-page Teaching, on the hand-written pages)