
MON., DEC. 8, 1986, 6:29 AM

On this day ten years ago you were up and commencing a day of unorthodox arrangements for the burial of your son, Peter. It was a wonderfully clear day, unlike this one, and there was much that you did and said that helped create that beautifully unorthodox time of preparation. You needn’t remember in detail, but it is good to retain certain memories and to tell the story each term to a new class.

According to many fundamental Christians I am a very orthodox God/Spirit, troubled by every move that each person makes that is not in complete accord with certain prescriptive and proscriptive Scriptures. I can be this way, and am for some who need the security of a rough, scowling Master. “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow” is, in one sense, a beautiful expression of the truth of consistency. In another, it is a description of one unable to be relevant to changing times and circumstances. I am both, and hence I am both functional and orthodox.

Now I shall complicate it further by saying that to be truly functional I have to be somewhat unorthodox, and if this is the way I should and must be then this is true orthodoxy. Oh, well, it is difficult to explain being the Spirit that I am. Again I shall use this teaching mode I have developed with you as an example. It is orthodox that I am active in the earth, guiding, interpreting, teaching, consoling, and sustaining. Yet it is unorthodox for an unimportant, non-clergy person like yourself to be given these written Teachings to help in this aforementioned orthodox ministry.

According to the Scriptures there are two orthodox beliefs about Peter’s spirit, in his fairly newly created immortal soul, when his body died. One says that he sleeps, waiting for the return of the Christ in glory, when he shall be judged as he awakens. The other is that he was judged at that moment of death, and is now in either heaven or hell, which he shall either enjoy or suffer for eternity, with no further possible action on his part.

In My unorthodoxy I have told you that Peter’s spirit continues in relationship with Me, and that he is actively developing in a realm of spirit. He learned from his earth life as Peter, but he also missed lots of good opportunities. And then I become outrageously unorthodox when I tell you that there was a plan for his life, which was of value to him and to you, his parents and his family. In one sense, he could have done much better. In another, he played his part well, and there was growth in spirit, all-around.

It is a rather unorthodox teaching that claims that the sole ultimate reason for this whole earth scene is spiritual growth. Why did I create as I did? In order that spirits might have a unique realm in which to function, with potential both for development of spirit and for regression away from Me and My Ways.

When I create an individual spirit, out of Me, this is creation from eternity and for eternity. Yet the form may change in this growth process. I can discern each and every spirit, though the numbers are grossly uncountable. And there is an incredible plan of relationships that you could not come close to comprehending. In the midst of all that you and your culture perceive as freedom is an order and a plan that suits Me. Computers are, and always will be, a puny analog to this God capacity to keep the plan functioning in the midst of countless human actions.

MON., DEC. 8, 1986, 6:29 AM

On this day ten years ago you were up and commencing a day of unorthodox arrangements for the burial of your son, Peter. It was a wonderfully clear day, unlike this one, and there was much that you did and said that helped create that beautifully unorthodox time of preparation. You needn’t remember in detail, but it is good to retain certain memories and to tell the story each term to a new class.

According to many fundamental Christians I am a very orthodox God/Spirit, troubled by every move . . .

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