Unpleasant Tasks… Begin!

THURS., APR. 24, 1997, 7:05 AM

One “last time” event has come and gone. Yesterday afternoon was the last class in the classroom for a full 3 course semester. Each of the 3 classes will meet out here at the Farm this next week, but the classroom portion of the 3 separate classes is pau. Then as this final week unfolds it will be the last time for at least one of the courses.

My reminder to you this morning, hence, is that you must begin the process… which shall be a hard, unpleasant one in some ways… of moving your office… the stuff therein. That office must go to one who will continue on with the program of which you have been a part for these many years. For… the time approaches… soon you shall retire.

Actually you have several interrelated tasks. One is to go through this study and get rid of or store what you don’t want to “keep handy”. Which books will you really read? Others must go. You have to make such decisions. This doesn’t seem like the kind of spiritual talk you expect from Me, but, remember, I see earth events in much wider and deeper ways than you can, and I see this “clutter” interfering with the more spiritual life I envision for you in the coming years. This transition has to be done. It will be hard for you, but it is necessary.

Some decisions must be made about how many of these books and folders of materials might be useful, or even used, in the future. One basic decision first: do you want and value the clutter that is both here and in your office or do you want a simpler, neater lifestyle? Now is a time to decide. I will push for the latter because I want more of your attention. I have no objection to your keeping some books and materials for decisions later.

There is lots of room in the barn… and there could be more if you rearranged and disposed of stuff that is not likely to be needed in the future. There are bookcases in the brown room, now used for clothing, that might be better used for their original purpose. This, then, can lead to some decisions about clothes… like in too many that don’t fit or that you don’t wear, for other reasons. More choices and decisions. Sorry… that’s a looming feature of your life. Just consider what it would be if you were moving to a smaller house or apartment!

You see, there is an interrelationship here. You must realistically consider your future and keep materials necessary or useful for what you envision… AND… what you keep will, in turn, help shape your future. You will make some wrong judgments and predictions. That’s why you must accept a kind of triage system: what you know you want to save, what you decide you won’t want or need, and what is in-between and can be decided on later.

I applaud your eliminating the finals for these classes, and you shall do the same for the summer classes. The tasks you’ve kept, for them, are worthwhile, if not very academic, and they’re ones you find interesting, even fascinating, to read. You know you will miss such, in the future, but, on the other hand, you have kept copies of many good papers from previous classes… and these, of course, you shall keep and reread, nostalgically.

Symbolically, after this transition has been made you can rearrange this study, as you are envisioning it. Thus it can symbolize this new segment of your earth life… the same room, but arranged in a different way. That, obviously can and should “wait”.

THURS., APR. 24, 1997, 7:05 AM

One “last time” event has come and gone. Yesterday afternoon was the last class in the classroom for a full 3 course semester. Each of the 3 classes will meet out here at the Farm this next week, but the classroom portion of the 3 separate classes is pau. Then as this final week unfolds it will be the last time for at least one of the courses.

My reminder to you this morning, hence, is that you must begin the process… which shall be a hard, unpleasant one in some . . .

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