Up Above The World So High…

WED., NOV. 18, 1998, 11:10 AM (HST)

In the process of flying 4,500 miles at 35,000 feet, you have just reviewed… in a form of contemplation… your life, in relation to the dwellings in which you have lived. You may try to review this with your Dad. He may remember very little, but, then, you may be surprised… he also. It is good “practice” for you to try to remember some details of your life… which may encourage your memory to “hang around” a bit longer.

By huge jet-liner you are retracing the “path” you took by Matson liner 50 years ago. It was your first teaching and coaching assignment, the commencement of a career that spanned 48 years (your UCLA number). I was not yet guiding you directly and regularly, though you remember I told you that I first “came to you” when you felt lost in the mountains going to the Methodist camp… but it was to be several years before I would be in the close relationship we now have. But I was involved in your decision to select Punahou as your first experience-place… and in your meeting and successfully wooing Lenore. For you were “intended” for each other. I do “override” free will, sometimes.

And it is more than chance or luck that your sister and family… and your Dad… still reside there, so that this return trip, marking 50 years, is an expected, fairly frequent one. You have healthy nostalgia for the island, even as there have been many changes over these years. You shall do some of your “favorite things” during this week, along with the serious talks and decision-making that you, Joanne, Howard, and your Dad must have… and make. I shall be with you as you weigh what is best for all of you, given that there is no perfect solution. Just keep “tuning in” as this week progresses.

It is good that you are away from your church “scene” for this week. Your actions as Newsletter Editor were some combination of “a mistake” and standing up for what you considered best. You took the responsibility, as you should have, with the castigations accompanying. This week shall give you time to let that whole affair cool a bit, but then you must produce another issue, soon after your return. I still favor your continuing with this special service to Me (I’m not bothered by what you did… and didn’t do.) When it is time for you to “hang it up” (or even change churches) I shall let you know.

You should not be surprised when I tell you, as I have, often, before, that this trip shall be both a testing of your spirit AND opportunities for this essence of you to grow and become more dominant in your life. Decisions may be hard ones, but now is such a time. At the same time your spirit can soar with nostalgic experiences, both expected and unexpected. Keep a notebook so you can share with Lenore, more accurately and chronologically.

As you reflect on your life, you do recall many more successes and accolades than failures and criticisms. You have lived life quite positively, and had more successes than you would have expected. This is the 20th year that I, Holy Spirit, have been teaching you, to guide you in this last portion of your career… and on into the last portion of your life, as Bob Russell. Here in Hawaii you are a former teacher, coach, and dean. You are no longer these, but you can remember many experiences from that time. In a somewhat like manner, as you come on over you shall recall being Bob Russell, but you shall have quite a wider and deeper soul, as your real identity. It shall all be clear… then.

WED., NOV. 18, 1998, 11:10 AM (HST)

In the process of flying 4,500 miles at 35,000 feet, you have just reviewed… in a form of contemplation… your life, in relation to the dwellings in which you have lived. You may try to review this with your Dad. He may remember very little, but, then, you may be surprised… he also. It is good “practice” for you to try to remember some details of your life… which may encourage your memory to “hang around” a bit longer.

By huge jet-liner you are . . .

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