Use Of Scripture

SUN., SEPT. 20, 1987, 6:11 AM

The Holy Scriptures are a source of ideas, principles, and wisdom for the living of an earth life. They illuminate, but are not meant to be a specific “how-to” source for each person in every culture in any time. In one sense the Scriptures are rather straightforward, but in another they are quite spiritual and mystical, and so their interpretation will differ with spiritual development and the nature of one’s spiritual path.

For example, you are on a path that sees much relativity and therefore you find it difficult to see absolute values in Holy Scripture. Other Christians can easily identify absolutes and can present them to you in absolute terms. Their path and position on it allow them no real doubts, and they can’t even consider the fact, let along the merits of seeing Scripture as you do. Some of such folk read Scripture often and extensively and know it well. Others of the same persuasion read the Bible less than you do and just “know what it says.”

It is doubtful (now that’s a relative introduction, (now) isn’t it?) that you would become more “absolute” in your thinking if you read the Bible more, so I don’t recommend it for this result. I urge it just for your own development and so that you can be a more valuable servant and a more effective evangel, when this is appropriate. You have a unique Christian story to tell, and it would simply be a better story if you knew the Scriptures better. I realize that your internal motivations are not strong for this, and, yes, I could influence these more directly, but I shall just continue to urge in this way.

The total Bible story is one of My concern for the earth and certain of its peoples and of My intervention into the lives of individuals and of a “nation.” I intervened as God, as Jesus, and as the Holy Spirit. I chose. I guided. I caused miracles to happen , as in bringing the Jews out of Egypt. Then I prolonged the journey and kept them in the desert wilderness for forty years… for spiritual growth.

Do I still work in these ways? Yes, indeed. But in what situations? That’s the mystical part. You have to have discernment to be able to know when and where I am doing, in this time, what I did in Biblical times. Some do have such discernment, but prophesies and predictions do not always agree, even when they come from true servants of Mine. The reasons for this are too complex for this Teaching. Just note that “it is My way.”

Scripture leads to My intervention into the earth as Jesus, to the story of a short life lead as both God and man, and to a sacrifice that now makes it easier for anyone to come to Me and be accepted. You have come and accepted this grace, and, as you attest, some Scriptures were instrumental in this move toward Me. I urge you to keep this as an accented part of your spiritual story.

Scripture should cause you to compare the story of the past with the story of the present. Circumstances are obviously different, but in what ways is there similarity? How do Scriptural tales and truths enlighten the present day and make life more understandable.

SUN., SEPT. 20, 1987, 6:11 AM

The Holy Scriptures are a source of ideas, principles, and wisdom for the living of an earth life. They illuminate, but are not meant to be a specific “how-to” source for each person in every culture in any time. In one sense the Scriptures are rather straightforward, but in another they are quite spiritual and mystical, and so their interpretation will differ with spiritual development and the nature of one’s spiritual path.

For example, you are on a path that sees much relativity and therefore you find it difficult . . .

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